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Showing posts with label First Fleet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Fleet. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Instructions from Lord Sydney - Home Secretary to Captain Arthur Phillip - Sydney 1788


Instructions from Lord Sydney - Home Secretary to Captain Arthur Phillip - Sydney 1788

We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your loyalty, courage and experience in military affairs, do, by these presenrts, constitute and appoint you to be Governor of our territory called New South Wales, extending from the Northern cape or extremity of the coast called Cape York, In the latitude of 10 degrees 37 ' South, to the southern extremity of The said territory of New South Wales or South Cape, in latitude 43 degrees 39' South, and all the country inland ad westward as far as the one hundred and thirty fifth degree of longtitude, reckoning from the merridian of Greenwich, including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific ocean, within the latitude aforesaid of 10 degrees 37' South and 43 degrees 39' South, and of all towns, garrisons, castles, forts and all other fortifications or other military works, which now are or may be hereafter erected upon this said territory. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Governor in and over our said territory by doing and performing all and all manner of things thereunto belonging, and we do hereby strictly charge and command all our officers and soldiers who shall be employed within our said Territory, and all others whom it may concern, to obey you as our Governor thereof; and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as you shall recieve from us, or any other your superior Officer according to the rules and discipline of war, and likewise such orders and directions as we shall sned you under our signet or sign manual, or by our High Treasurer or Commissioners of our Treasury, for the time being, or one of our Principal Secretaries of State, in pursuance of the trust we hereby repose in you. 

given at our Court at St James, the Twelth Day of October 1786, in the 27th year of our reign 

By His Majesty's Commane. 


Phillip writes to Lord Sydney 

" I have the honour to enclose your Lordship the intended plan for the town. The Lietenant Governor has already begun a small house, which forms one corner of the parade, & I am building a small cottage on the east side of the cove, where i shall remain for the present with part of the convicts and an officers guard. The convicts are distributed in huts, which are built only for immediate shelter. On the point of land (Dawes Point) which forms the west side of the cove, an observatory building, under the direction of Lieutenant Dawes, who is charged by the Board of Longtitude with observing the expected comet. We now make very good bricks, and the stone is good, but do not find either lime stone or chalk. The principal streets are placed so as to admit a free circulation of air, and are 200ft wide"

Monday, March 15, 2021

Foundation Of Australia - Loftus Street, Eastern Side - Near Circular Quay

 Foundation Of Australia

Loftus Street, Eastern Side, Near Circular Quay

On The 18th August 1786, Lord Sydney Wrote To The Lords Of The Treasury, Saying That It Was The Kings Pleasure That Ships Be Provided For The Carriage Of 750 Convicts To Botany Bay, Together With Provisions & Necessaries Useful On Arrival. 

A Fleet Of 2 War Ships, 6 Transports, & 3 Supply Vessels, Commanded By Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. , Sailed From Portsmouth On The 12th May 1787 For The New Colony Of New South Wales.

Most Of The Fleet Dropped Anchor At Botany Bay On The 20th January 1788, After A Voyage Of 8 Months, In Which They’d Sailed 15,063 Miles. 

On The 22nd January 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip Headed A Boat Party To A Harbour 9 Miles North Of Botany Bay, Which Captain Cook Had Sighted & Named Port Jackson In May 1770 As He Mapped The East Coast Of Australia (New Holland) With Sir Joseph Banks On The HMAS Endeavour, After The Planetary Conjunction Of Venus In Tahiti Upon King George III’s Instructions. 

Captain Arthur Phillip Noted In The Official Journal That 

“He Had The Satisfaction To Find One Of The Finest Harbours In The World, In Which A Thousand Sail Of The Line Might Ride In Perfect Security.”

“The Fleet Up Anchored Fro

The Fleet Up Anchored From Botany Bay And After A Few Hours Were Safely Anchored And Moored In Sydney Cove. Arthur Phillip Wrote - “


Monday, December 16, 2019

Early Sydney Settlers - First Fleet Onwards

Early sydney settlers first fleet onwards

Governors Of New South Wales
1788 - 1793- Arthur Phillip
1810 - 1821 - Governor Macquarie

Richard Jones Mansion - Pitt Street south western side near Hunter Street

- judge Therry's Home

- Samuel Terry's Home


- The Brown Bear
- the Cat and Fiddle
- The Jolly Sailor
- The Rose Of Australia
- The World Turned Upside Down
- The Whaler's Arms
- The Hero Of Waterloo


- Morris Asher - THE RAT PIT - Dog and Rat Fighting.

- Richard Jones - President Of The Bank Of NSW And Founder of The Bank Of Australia

- Major Robert Ross - lieutenant Governor October 1786
- Captain Tench Of The Marines

- Captain John Hunter

- Phillip Gidley King

- Robert Campbell - (Father Of Australian Commerce) - Campbell's Wharf

- Captain John Piper  - "The Prince Of Australa" - John Pipers House At Point Eliza Now called Point Piper

- John Cadman

- Francis Greenway Residence - And A List Of The Buildings The He Designed

- Joseph Foveaux

- John Palmer

- Simeon Lord - former Convict And Later Merchant - Had A Mansio.

- Mary Haydock

- Captain Reiby

- Frederick Goulburn - First Colonial Secretary
- David Collins - Judge Advocate

- James Underwood and Underwoods Ship Building Yard

- Isaac Nicholls - Australia's First Postmaster On April 25th 1809

- lieutenant Willam Kent - 1751 - 1812

- John Dunmore Lang - The Australian College

George Crossley

- John Watts - Architect

- James Bloodsworth - Emancipated Convict And Master Builder

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Charlotte Medallion


From Memory The Charlotte Medallion Came Yo For Auction After 220 Years Around 2014/2o15

Th Australian Government Purchased The Coin For Approx $750,000 - $800,000

The Significance Of The Charlotte Medallion Is That It Was Etched By A Convict, I Forget His Name 2 Days Agter The First Fleet Landed At Sydney Cove In 1788. 

Unfortunately He Was Also the First Convict To Be Hung For Stealjng A Pork Ration And Some Peas. About 2 Weeks After The Fleet Landed 

Arthur Phillip Had Warned Everybody On The 7th Of January 1788 When His Commission From King George III Was Read to All Convicts And Military On The Beach At What Is Now Circular. Quay 

Thursday, December 17, 2015