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Showing posts with label State Library. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2020

State Library Of New South Wales - Mitchell Wing - Macquarie Street - Sydney


The State Library Of New South Wales - Including The Mitchell Wing

The Mitchell Wing 

The Mitchell Wing of the New South Wales State Library, located on Macquarie Street in Sydney, is a significant part of the library complex and has a rich history. Here is an overview of the history of the Mitchell Wing:

  1. Early History and Foundation: The Mitchell Wing was named after David Scott Mitchell, a prominent collector of rare books and manuscripts. Mitchell, who died in 1907, left his extensive collection to the people of New South Wales under the condition that a suitable building be constructed to house it. This generous bequest formed the foundation of the Mitchell Library, which was established in 1910.

  2. Architectural Design: The Mitchell Wing was designed by the renowned architect Walter Liberty Vernon. Construction began in 1906, three years before David Mitchell's death, and it was completed in 1910. The architectural style of the Mitchell Wing is often described as classical revival, featuring grand columns, ornate detailing, and a prominent dome.

  3. Role as a Research Library: From its inception, the Mitchell Library was intended to be a research library with a focus on rare and valuable materials. It houses an extensive collection of books, manuscripts, maps, and other items of historical and cultural significance, including Mitchell's own collection.

  4. Expansion and Renovations: Over the years, the Mitchell Wing has undergone several expansions and renovations to accommodate the growing collections and modernize its facilities. Notable changes include the addition of the Mitchell Reading Room in the 1940s and the installation of modern research facilities.

  5. Cultural Significance: The Mitchell Library, housed within the Mitchell Wing, is known for its extensive collection of materials related to Australian history and culture. It is a valuable resource for researchers, historians, and the general public interested in the history of New South Wales and Australia as a whole.

  6. Architectural Conservation: The Mitchell Wing's architectural significance led to its conservation and restoration efforts. These efforts have aimed to preserve the historical and aesthetic value of the building while ensuring its continued use as a modern research facility.

  7. Public Access: The Mitchell Wing is open to the public, and visitors can explore its collections and exhibitions. Researchers and scholars from around the world come to the Mitchell Library to access its unique resources.

Today, the Mitchell Wing of the New South Wales State Library continues to play a vital role in preserving and sharing Australia's cultural and historical heritage. It stands as a testament to the vision of David Scott Mitchell and the importance of preserving and making accessible rare and valuable materials for future generations.