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Showing posts with label Sydney Exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sydney Exchange. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Royal Exchange Of Sydney - Bridge Street - Between Pitt And Gresham Street - Sydney

The Royal Exchnage Of Sydney
Cnr Bridge St &Gresham St

An Exchnage Was Established In 1861. 

When The Estuary Of The Tank Stream Was Reclaimed At Bridge Street It Paved The   Way For Building Some Impressive Buildings 

Foremost In Archeatectyral Beauty Waa The Royal Exchange - Almost Opposite Macquarie Place   

The Sydney Exchange, also known as the Sydney Stock Exchange or the Sydney Stock and Futures Exchange, has a history closely tied to the financial and economic development of Sydney, Australia. It played a pivotal role in facilitating the trading of securities and financial instruments. Here's an overview of its history:

Early Beginnings:

  • The Sydney Exchange traces its origins back to the mid-19th century. The first organized stock trading in Sydney occurred in the 1830s, but it was relatively informal.
  • The official establishment of the Sydney Stock Exchange took place in 1871. It was created to provide a central marketplace for the trading of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Early Location:

  • The exchange was initially located in various buildings in the central business district of Sydney. It operated in rented premises as trading volumes and the number of participants grew.

Rise in Importance:

  • Over the years, the Sydney Exchange gained prominence as Australia's major securities trading platform. It facilitated capital raising for companies and offered investors a venue for buying and selling financial instruments.

Formation of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges (AASE):

  • In 1937, the Sydney Exchange joined forces with other Australian stock exchanges to form the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges (AASE). This federation aimed to streamline regulations and facilitate inter-exchange trading.

Modernization and Technological Advancements:

  • The latter part of the 20th century saw significant changes in trading practices due to technological advancements.
  • Electronic trading platforms emerged, gradually replacing traditional open-outcry trading methods.

Merger and Transition:

  • In 1987, the Sydney Stock Exchange merged with the stock exchanges of Melbourne and Adelaide to form the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
  • The ASX became Australia's primary securities exchange, bringing together trading from different cities into a unified platform.

Global Influence:

  • The ASX grew in importance on the global stage as it attracted foreign investors and companies seeking to list their shares on an established exchange.

Continued Evolution:

  • The ASX continued to evolve, embracing electronic trading and adapting to changes in financial markets.
  • The ASX's role expanded to include trading in derivatives, commodities, and other financial products.

Milestone Developments:

  • In recent years, the ASX has considered adopting blockchain technology for settlement and clearing of trades, showcasing its commitment to innovation.

Present Day:

  • The Sydney Exchange, now part of the ASX Group, remains a vital component of Australia's financial landscape.
  • The ASX continues to operate as a comprehensive securities exchange, serving as a platform for capital raising, trading, and investment.

The history of the Sydney Exchange reflects the growth and sophistication of Australia's financial markets. From its early origins as a modest stock exchange to its integration into a national exchange group, it has played a crucial role in shaping Sydney's economic landscape and contributing to the development of the country's financial sector.