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Showing posts with label Pillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pillary. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Site Of The Public Stocks - York St Eastern Side, Near Druitt St

Site Of The Public Stocks 
York Street - Eastern Side, Near Druitt Street 

Charles Bertie mentioned earlier about Oldn

The Late Judge Darling says that when he was a small boy he saw A Pillary in the centre of the old markets. A man was pelted by the mob with all sorts of missiles from Rotten Fruit To Human Excrement. I’m
Note  from “The Monitor” 17 May 1837-
“The public stocks have been removed in consequence of the building of the new church St Andrews Cathedral to the south end of York Street, by the police office wall.
Says the Encyclopaedia Britannica – stocks were abolished in 1937 at the end of William IV’s Reign.”