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Showing posts with label Public Gallows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Gallows. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2016

The First Public Gallows - The Barley Mow Hotel

Castlereagh Stteey and Park Streets, North Wastern Corner 

The Barley now Hotel 

The Barley Mow Hotel Holds The Oldest Continuous License In Sydney, Dating From 1830, But The Byilding Has Been Reconstructed. Earlier (1804) This Was The Site Of The Public Galliws. 

In "Sydney 1848" Tells Us That  

"That The First Place Of Execution Wad In The Vicinity Of What Is Now Occupied By The St James Watch-House, Others That It Was On The Opposite Side of Elizabeth Street. Where Hendersons Buildings Now Stand. 

But By A Chart In A French Work, Published By The Authority Of Napoleon 1803, It Appears To Have Been Near The Site Of The Old Court House; On One Point; There Is No Difference Of Opinion; That The Exact Spot Later Formed Part Of A Garden That Extended Up King Street, Embracing Part Of The Site Of the New South Wales Supreme Court

Back To Joseph Fowles  From "Sydney 1848" 

- " About The Year 1804 The Gallows Was Removed To The Corner Of Park And Cartlereagh Streets, Where The Barley Mow Public House Now Stands. 

THE SYDNEY GAZETTE OF NOVEMBER. 25TH 1804 Describes A Trip To The Gallows When John Green, A Black Man Charged a With Rape, Was Sentanced  To Death. After Being Consoled By The Reverand Samuel Marsden "He Kneeled And Received With Some Visible Emotions The Last Offerings Of Piety. Yielding To His Fate He Expressed Concern At His Condition And Lamented That He Could No More Indulge A Hope Of Ever Beholding His Ancient Parents; He Declared The Province Of Pennsylvania To Be That Of His Nativity. 

While The Work Of Death WasUnder  Preparation He Took Leave Of The Populace In A Short Harangue, Warning Against A life Of Dissopation - And Then Departed For An Unknown a Region." 

"The Gallows Was aagain Erected Near Te Site Of Barkers Mills, In Sussex Street, It Was Afterwsrds Removed To The East Corner Of a What Is now The Protestant Burial Ground, Near Strawberry Hill; Again Over The Sand Hills To The Back Of The New Military Barracks (In York Street)"

Fowles Neglected To State That The Gallows Was Also Erected Outside The Jail At Essex And George Streets, Until It Was Removed To Darlinghurst Jail I. 1841. The Most Important Public Hanging Here was Of The Murderer John Knatchbull, executed On 13th Feb 1844