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Showing posts with label Proclaimed. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Bridge Street - Named Oct 10th 1810 - Proclaimed Dec 31st 1834



December 31, 1957 MarkedThe The Centenary Of To Exciting Events In Sydney McIntire History. One was the official opening of the Exchange, now the Royal Exchange. The second was the official operating for the first time in New South Wales of the Telegraph. Only for the unromantic and Uninformed could these be unrelated happenings yet this was no casual liaison but something deliberately planned.
, This was a child every sign of experiencing upsurge following the gold rushes.
What could have integrated the various enterprises are better than the Exchange? What could’ve linked these more startingly than the Telegraph? The tying of the knot between the Exchange and the Telegraph was a consummation of a splendid bit of matchmaking at that. They could not have been more admirable partners. What was the precise nature of the romance? A Small band of merchant princes I gathered together in 1851 to extend bush and Exchange. Among these people were Alexander Campbell, John Gill Christ, David Jones, commander John Lamb, Thomas Wisla Smith, Joshua Young, John Walker, W ascot, John Gosling, George Reese, Jason Willis and George Thorne. These men made up the first directorial. One of the first problems was to find a worthy site for the projected building. Land about the location of the Metropole, a piece at Circular Quay, McQuarrie place-over rejected in favour of the present on down I could Street, Bridge Street, Spring now Gresham Street. To take shape, stone being quarried at the top in way for the purpose of the buildup, Thomas Alston, and to the design of the architect JF difference to nationality gracefully displayed well platform was covered by crimson cloth?‘s The great day itself brought forth the rich pump occasioned by the attendance of the governor general, so William Denison, together with offices of Pacific seventh regiment. The band of the Royal Artillery struck up, gluten of the governor general speech‘ marks three chairs and one over‘ master given, followed by the air few marks rule for Tanya‘ marks.

Bridge Street was named in 1810 for the wooden bridge foot bridge crossing the tank stream, the colonies first water supply.
From the start the town was physically and socially divided by the tank stream.
From the start the town was physically and socially divided by the tank stream.
On the eastern side with the governors house in the tents of the civil establishment. To the west were the makeshift barracks of the military and the convicts. Many signs of the seas social division remain today. I’ll
Along with the high eastern section of Bridge Street, you will notice several impressive early government buildings, including the lands department, the education department and the chief secretaries building.
The western end is more commercial, heading towards the once ravished rocks