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Showing posts with label Police Offices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Offices. Show all posts

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Police Offices - George Street - Sydney - New South Wales


The Police Offices - George Street - Sydney - New South Wales 

Before The End Of Transportation Convicts Would  Be Marched Up From Being Unloaded At Circular Quay

Up The Dusty Stretch To The Police Offices Where The Queen Victoria Building Now Stands 

The Old Police Office on George Street in Sydney refers to a historic building that served as a police headquarters in the early days of the city. Here's some information about the old police office:

1. Establishment: The Old Police Office was constructed in 1825 and located on the corner of George Street and Essex Street (now demolished) in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It was built during the colonial period when Sydney was still a British settlement.

2. Function: The building served as the central police headquarters and administrative center for law enforcement in Sydney. It housed various police departments, including offices for the chief police magistrate, superintendent of police, and other police officers.

3. Design and Architecture: The Old Police Office was designed in the Georgian architectural style, which was popular during the early colonial period. It featured a distinctive sandstone facade with arched windows and a prominent entrance. The building reflected the architectural tastes of the time and added to the visual character of George Street.

4. Law and Order: The Old Police Office played a vital role in maintaining law and order in early Sydney. It served as a hub for police operations, including the processing of criminals, holding of prisoners, and coordination of policing activities. The building also housed courtrooms where legal proceedings were conducted.

5. Historical Significance: The Old Police Office holds historical significance as a symbol of early law enforcement in Sydney. It represents the establishment of formal policing structures in the growing colony and reflects the efforts to maintain order and security in the city.

6. Demolition: Despite its historical significance, the Old Police Office was eventually demolished in the early 20th century as part of urban redevelopment and modernization of the area. The demolition of the building made way for new developments and altered the streetscape of George Street.

While the original Old Police Office no longer stands, the history of its existence and its role in the early law enforcement efforts in Sydney are remembered through historical records and accounts. The site of the former building now forms part of the ongoing development and transformation of the George Street precinct in the city.