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Showing posts with label Sir Richard Bourke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sir Richard Bourke. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Governor's Bathing House - Royal Botanical Gardens - Sydney - New South Wales

The Governor's Bathing House - Royal Botanical Gardens - Sydney - New South Wales 

The Governor's Bathing House, also known as the Government Bathing House, is a historic structure located in the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, Australia. It played a significant role in the city's history and the leisure activities of early governors. Here's an overview of its history:

Construction and Purpose:

  • The Governor's Bathing House was constructed in the early 1830s during the tenure of Governor Sir Richard Bourke.
  • The purpose of the structure was to provide a private and convenient place for the colonial governors and their families to bathe in Sydney Harbour.


  • The Bathing House is situated along the waterfront of the Royal Botanic Garden, offering direct access to the harbor.

Design and Features:

  • The Bathing House was a simple yet elegant structure, designed in the Georgian architectural style.
  • It had two floors, with the upper level serving as a changing room and a space for relaxation.

Governor's Domain:

  • The Bathing House was part of the larger area known as the Governor's Domain, which encompassed the government house, gardens, and other facilities used by the colonial governors.

Private Retreat:

  • The Bathing House provided a secluded and private retreat for the governors and their families, away from the public eye.
  • The governors could enjoy leisurely baths in the harbor waters and then relax in the upper-level room.

Usage and Changes:

  • Over the years, the Bathing House saw changes in ownership and usage. It ceased to be exclusively reserved for governors and their families.
  • In the mid-20th century, it was briefly used as a storage space for garden equipment.

Restoration and Preservation:

  • In the 1980s, the Bathing House underwent a restoration project to preserve its historical significance and architectural features.
  • It now stands as a heritage-listed structure within the Royal Botanic Garden.

Historical Significance:

  • The Governor's Bathing House is a testament to the lifestyle and leisure activities of early colonial governors and their connection to the waterfront.
  • It provides a glimpse into the social history of Sydney during the 19th century.

Today, the Governor's Bathing House stands as a reminder of Sydney's colonial past and the recreational pursuits of its early governors. It offers visitors a glimpse into the city's history and the significance of the Royal Botanic Garden as a hub of both natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Proclamation - Sir Richard Bourke - King William IV Death - Queen Victoria As Soverign 27th October 1837


Proclamation - Sir Richard Bourke - King Willian IV Death - Queen Victoria As Sovereign
27th October 1837


"Where it has pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy our Late Soverign Lord King William The Fourth; of Blessed & Glorious memory; By whose decease the Imperial Crown Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain & Ireland, & all other dominions; is solely & rightfully come to the High & Mighty Princess Alexandrina Victoria; saving the rights of any issue of His Late Majesty King William IV, which may be born of his Late Majesty's Consort:

"We, the Captain-General & Governor-in-Chief Of The Territory of New South Wales & it's Dependancies, The Chief Justice, The Members Of The Executive Council, The Puisne Judges Of The Supreme Court, the Members of The Legislative Council, The Clergy, Magistrates, Civil Officers of The Government, & The Naval & Military Officers of Her Majesty's Service, with numbers of other principal Inhabitants of The Colony,

"Do now hereby, with one full voice & consent of tongue & heart, Publish & Proclaim that The High & Mighty Princess Alexandrina Victoria, is now, by The Death of our late Soverign; of happy & Glorious memory, become our only lawful & rightful Liege Lady Victoria, by the Grace Of God, Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, saving as aforesaid, Supreme Lady Of The Territory of New South Wales & its Dependancies, To Whom, saving as aforesaid, We Do Acknowledge all Faith & Constant Obedience, with all hearty & humble affection, beseeching God, by Whom Kings & Queens do Reign, to bless the Royal Princess Victoria with long and happy years Reign over us 

Given At Government House, Sydney, this twenty seventh day Of October 1837
God Save The Queen
(Signed) Richard Bourke 

Governor In Chief 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Proclamation - Sir Richard Bourke - Governor Of New South Wales - Terra Nullius 1835


 By His  Excellency Major-General Sir Richard Bourke, K.C.B. Commanding His Majesties Forces, Captain General And Governor In Chief Of The Territory Of  New South Wales And Its Dependancies,  And Vice Admiral Of  The Same &c &c

Whereas, It Has Been Represented To Me, That Divers Of  His Majesty’s Subjects HaveTaken Poessession Of Vacant Lands Of The Crown, Within The Limits Of This Colony, Under The Pretence Of A Treaty Bargain, Or Contract, For The Purchase Thereof, With The Aboriginal Natives; Therefore, I, The Governor, In Virtue And In Excercise Of The Power And Authority In Me
Vested, Do Hereby Proclaim And Notify To All His Majesty’s Subjects, And Others Whom It May Concern, That Every Such Treaty, Bargain, And Contract With The Aboriginal Natives, As Aforesaid, For The Possession, Title, Claim To Any Lands Lying And Being Within The Limits Of The Government Of The Colony Of New South Wales. As The Same Are Laid Down And Degined By His Majesty’s Commission; That Is To Say, Extending From The Northern Cape Or Extremity Of The Coast Called Cape York, In The Latitude Of Ten Degrees Thirty Seven Minutes South, To The Southern Extremity Of The Said Territory Of New South Wales, Or Wilson’s Promontory, In The Latitude Of Thirty Nine Degrees Twelve Minutes South, And Embracing  All The Country Inland To The Westward, As Far As The One Hundred And Twenty Ninth Degree Of East Longtitude, Reckoning From The Meridian Of Greenwich , Including All The Islands Adjacent, In The Pacific Ocean Within The Latitude Aforesaid, And Including Also Norfolk Island, Is Void, And Of No Effect