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Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2021

***** %%%%% Kirrabilli House -

 Kirribilli house

When Mr EJ ward used to rise in the house of representatives to ask the Prime Minister a question about the cost of Run in Kirribilli house, fellow parliamentarians would smile. You’re a billy house, the Commonwealth official lodging for distinguish guests, was something of a king Charles had with the labour member for a Sydney. Why, Mr Ward would ask, couldn’t visiting VIPs and into the Prime Minister who uses the house when visiting Sydney stay at Admiralty house next door in Kirribilli point?

Run in Kirribilli house, fellow parliamentarians would smile. You’re a billy house, the Commonwealth official lodging for distinguish guests, was something of a king Charles had with the labour member for a Sydney. Why, Mr Ward would ask, couldn’t visiting VIPs and into the Prime Minister who uses the house when visiting Sydney stay at Admiralty house next door in Kirribilli point?

Prime Minister Menzies on the orders of the old dwelling was renovated and refurnished in 1957 at a cost of £61,608, navigate Mr Ward his reasons. Now the member for East Sydney’s voice is heard no more; Kirribilli house, in immaculate gardens, gases on the harbour from under Gothic Gable browse, I’m disturbed by Canberra’s hostilities.

Prime Minister Menzies on the orders of the old dwelling was renovated and re-furnished in 1957 at a cost of £61,608, navigate Mr Ward his reasons. Now the member for East Sydney’s voice is heard no more; Kirribilli house, in immaculate gardens, gases on the harbour from under Gothic Gable browse, undisturbed by Canberra’s hostilities.

A seven bedroom house was built by Adolphus fees, in about 1855, on 1 acre 23 purchase of land bought for £200. Six subsequent owners enjoyed it’s marvellous board of years until in 1919, groomer said that the land was to be subdivided. Public education for the place to be preserved let the Prime Minister of the day, WM use, to direct the Kirribilli house and grounds should be resumed by the Commonwealth. Then for about a decade, the old house was used by the governor general and his staff.

The seven bedroom house was built by Adolphus fees, in about 1855, on 1 acre 23 purchase of land port for £200. Six subsequent owners enjoyed its marvellous board of use until in 1919, rumour said that the land was to be subdivided. Public education for the place to be preserved lead the Prime Minister of the day, WM Hughes, to direct the Kirribilli house and grounds should be resumed by the Commonwealth. Then for about a decade, the old house was used by the governor general and his staff.

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Government Wharf - Circular Quay

Government Wharf - Circular Quay 

Alfred Street - Circular Quay, Near Loftus Street

In 1788, When The First Fleet Anchored In Port Kackson, The Head Of Sydney Cove Was V Shaped, Bisected By The Tank Stream, Which Entered The South Side Of The Cove Where Present Day Pitt Street Is. Surveyor James Meehan's Plan Of Sydney Showed Today's Alfred Street Covered With Water at HighTide. It Was Here That The Government Wharf Was Built On The Water Frontage Now Occupied By The Paragon Hotel.