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Showing posts with label Lord Dudley Hotel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord Dudley Hotel. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Lord Dudley Hotel - 1895 - Woolahra - New South Wales


The Lord Dudley Hotel - 1895 - Woolahra - New South Wales 

Enjoying a pint outside the Lord Dudley in Woollahra, the late, great Anthony Bourdain fell in love with a uniquely Aussie tradition. "Daytime drinking is really underrated," Bourdain observed. 

And we agree, few things are better than a pint of ale on a sunny Sydney afternoon and there are few places better than this eastern suburbs classic. 

Since 1895, this Tudor-like pub with creeping-vine exterior has been a drinker's paradise (a foodie's too, with scotch eggs, 

Guinness pies and lamb-fry). And if the sun ain't shining then park yourself by the ornate wooden bar, the dartboard or the open fireplace.

Historical Pubs And Hotels - Sydney