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Showing posts with label Bridge Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridge Street. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Bridge Street - Named Oct 10th 1810 - Proclaimed Dec 31st 1834



December 31, 1957 MarkedThe The Centenary Of To Exciting Events In Sydney McIntire History. One was the official opening of the Exchange, now the Royal Exchange. The second was the official operating for the first time in New South Wales of the Telegraph. Only for the unromantic and Uninformed could these be unrelated happenings yet this was no casual liaison but something deliberately planned.
, This was a child every sign of experiencing upsurge following the gold rushes.
What could have integrated the various enterprises are better than the Exchange? What could’ve linked these more startingly than the Telegraph? The tying of the knot between the Exchange and the Telegraph was a consummation of a splendid bit of matchmaking at that. They could not have been more admirable partners. What was the precise nature of the romance? A Small band of merchant princes I gathered together in 1851 to extend bush and Exchange. Among these people were Alexander Campbell, John Gill Christ, David Jones, commander John Lamb, Thomas Wisla Smith, Joshua Young, John Walker, W ascot, John Gosling, George Reese, Jason Willis and George Thorne. These men made up the first directorial. One of the first problems was to find a worthy site for the projected building. Land about the location of the Metropole, a piece at Circular Quay, McQuarrie place-over rejected in favour of the present on down I could Street, Bridge Street, Spring now Gresham Street. To take shape, stone being quarried at the top in way for the purpose of the buildup, Thomas Alston, and to the design of the architect JF difference to nationality gracefully displayed well platform was covered by crimson cloth?‘s The great day itself brought forth the rich pump occasioned by the attendance of the governor general, so William Denison, together with offices of Pacific seventh regiment. The band of the Royal Artillery struck up, gluten of the governor general speech‘ marks three chairs and one over‘ master given, followed by the air few marks rule for Tanya‘ marks.

Bridge Street was named in 1810 for the wooden bridge foot bridge crossing the tank stream, the colonies first water supply.
From the start the town was physically and socially divided by the tank stream.
From the start the town was physically and socially divided by the tank stream.
On the eastern side with the governors house in the tents of the civil establishment. To the west were the makeshift barracks of the military and the convicts. Many signs of the seas social division remain today. I’ll
Along with the high eastern section of Bridge Street, you will notice several impressive early government buildings, including the lands department, the education department and the chief secretaries building.
The western end is more commercial, heading towards the once ravished rocks

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tank Stream Way - Laneways - Sydney - New South Wales

Tank Stream Way - Laneways - Sydney - NSW

Tank Stream Way Was Once Part Of Hamilton Street Which ran From Bridge And Hunter Streets, Named After Hamilton's Biscuit Factory. Most Of It Disappeared Underneath The Australia Square Development, Leaving Two Remnant Laneways, And This Section Was Renamed In 1981. In Bridge Lane, Once The Site Of The Towns first Lumber Yards, Look For The Old Warehouse Doorway, Now The Entrance To The Establishment Hotel. As Late As The 1860's  There Was Still Vacant Land Sliced Between The Cottages In This Area, But By The End Of The 19th Century It Had Become A Favoured Location for Warehouses, Including Several Tea Merchants Stores. 

Bulletin Place - Laneways - Sydney - New South Wales

Bulletin Place - Laneways - Sydney - NSW

The Basement Has Long Been A Favourite Jazz Venue In The City. Beyond This, Warehouses & Stores From The Mid 19th Century Preserve A Little Enclave Of Olde Sydney. The Bulletin Newspaper Was Published Here From 1880, & Writers Such As Henry Lawson & A B Paterson Would Have Frequented This Little Street. 

This Lane Possibly inspired The Lines Of Patterson's Famous Poem 
"Clancy Of The Overflow" 
About Dingy Offices And Folk With 
"Stunted Forms & Weedy, For Townsfolk Have No Time To Grow, They Have No Time To Waste"

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Governor Arthur Phillip's Canvas House - Bridge Street, In Front Of The Departrment Of Lands

Governor Arthur Phillip's Canvas House - Bridge Street, In Front Of The Departrment Of Lands 

In This Vicinity was erected the canvas house brought in frames from England to serve as Governor Arthur Phillip's Temporary home. Carpenters commenced work on it from January 29th 1788, And The Governor went into Residence On February 18th 1788

Governor Arthur Phillip Lived On the Warship Sirius Until the 18th February 1788

"When He Left The Sirius And Took Up Residence On Shore"

Before Leaving London The Governor Had Ordered, At A Cost Of 125 Pounds From Smith Of St George's Fields, A Canvas House  To Be Erected On Numbered Frames And Used As A Temporary Residence

David Collins, Judge Advocate, Wrote In The Account Of  The English Colony

"A Portable Canvas House, Brought Over For The Governor, Was Erected On The East Side Of the Cove... .WhereAlso A Small Body Of Convicts Was Put Under Tents. The Detatchment Of Marines Was Encamped At The Head Of The Cove Near The Stream, And On The West Side Was Placed The Main Body Of Convicts."

This Government House Was Built Where, Governor Phillip Wrote

"Ships Can Anchor Close To Shore. At A Very Small Expense Quays May Be Constructed At Which The Largest Vessels May Unload. The Cove Is About A Half Mile In Length, And A Quarter Of A Mile Across The Entrance. "

Governor Arthur Phillip, In Honour of Lord Sydney,

"Distinguished It By The Name Of Sydney Cove"

Lord Sydney Was Was Secretary Of The Home Department, And The Governor's Immediate Superior.

David Collins Wrote -

"The Spot Chosen, Was At The Head Of The Cove, Near The Run Of Fresh Water, Which Stole Silently Along Through A Very Thick Wood, The Stillness Of Which Had Then, For The First Time Since Creation, Been Interrupted By The Rude Sound Of The Labourer's Axe, And A Downfall of Its Ancient Inhabitants -  A Stillness And Tranquility Which From That Day Were To Give Place To The Voice Of Labour, the Confusion Of Camps And Towns....."

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Roads Obelisk - Macquarie Place

The Roads Obelisk - Macquarie Place

In September 1816 The Contract Was Signed To Erect A Very Handsome Stone Obelisk In Centre Of Macquarie Place As An Ornament To This Part Of Town & Also For The Purpose Of Measuring The Miles From All The interior Parts Of The Colony..... TO the Cost Of  eighty Five Pounds Sterling.

In Greenways Obelisks We Read

This Obelisk was Erected In Macquarie Place A.D. 1818,
To Record That All The Public Roads
Leading To The Interior of The Colony 
Are Measured From It
L. Macquarie, Esq, Governor 

Then Came Macquarie the visionary, & On 6 October 1810 He Proclaimed a town plan, saying with Macquarie Place

“It being attended to remove all those old buildings & enclosures now on that ground bounded by the government domain on the east, by the judge advocate, secretary, chaplains, & Commissary houses on the south, by the spring of water in stream on the west, and by the south, by the spring water in the stream on the west & by the houses if Mr Lord, Mr Thompson and Mr Reiby on the north, and to throw the same into an open area, the said area has been named  “Macquarie Place” and it is henceforth to be so nominated.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Royal Exchange Of Sydney - Bridge Street - Between Pitt And Gresham Street - Sydney

The Royal Exchnage Of Sydney
Cnr Bridge St &Gresham St

An Exchnage Was Established In 1861. 

When The Estuary Of The Tank Stream Was Reclaimed At Bridge Street It Paved The   Way For Building Some Impressive Buildings 

Foremost In Archeatectyral Beauty Waa The Royal Exchange - Almost Opposite Macquarie Place   

The Sydney Exchange, also known as the Sydney Stock Exchange or the Sydney Stock and Futures Exchange, has a history closely tied to the financial and economic development of Sydney, Australia. It played a pivotal role in facilitating the trading of securities and financial instruments. Here's an overview of its history:

Early Beginnings:

  • The Sydney Exchange traces its origins back to the mid-19th century. The first organized stock trading in Sydney occurred in the 1830s, but it was relatively informal.
  • The official establishment of the Sydney Stock Exchange took place in 1871. It was created to provide a central marketplace for the trading of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Early Location:

  • The exchange was initially located in various buildings in the central business district of Sydney. It operated in rented premises as trading volumes and the number of participants grew.

Rise in Importance:

  • Over the years, the Sydney Exchange gained prominence as Australia's major securities trading platform. It facilitated capital raising for companies and offered investors a venue for buying and selling financial instruments.

Formation of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges (AASE):

  • In 1937, the Sydney Exchange joined forces with other Australian stock exchanges to form the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges (AASE). This federation aimed to streamline regulations and facilitate inter-exchange trading.

Modernization and Technological Advancements:

  • The latter part of the 20th century saw significant changes in trading practices due to technological advancements.
  • Electronic trading platforms emerged, gradually replacing traditional open-outcry trading methods.

Merger and Transition:

  • In 1987, the Sydney Stock Exchange merged with the stock exchanges of Melbourne and Adelaide to form the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
  • The ASX became Australia's primary securities exchange, bringing together trading from different cities into a unified platform.

Global Influence:

  • The ASX grew in importance on the global stage as it attracted foreign investors and companies seeking to list their shares on an established exchange.

Continued Evolution:

  • The ASX continued to evolve, embracing electronic trading and adapting to changes in financial markets.
  • The ASX's role expanded to include trading in derivatives, commodities, and other financial products.

Milestone Developments:

  • In recent years, the ASX has considered adopting blockchain technology for settlement and clearing of trades, showcasing its commitment to innovation.

Present Day:

  • The Sydney Exchange, now part of the ASX Group, remains a vital component of Australia's financial landscape.
  • The ASX continues to operate as a comprehensive securities exchange, serving as a platform for capital raising, trading, and investment.

The history of the Sydney Exchange reflects the growth and sophistication of Australia's financial markets. From its early origins as a modest stock exchange to its integration into a national exchange group, it has played a crucial role in shaping Sydney's economic landscape and contributing to the development of the country's financial sector.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Tank Stream Bridge & Head Of Sydney Cove -

Tank Stream Bridge & Head Of Sydney Cove -

 Bridge Street, northern Side, Between George & Pitts Streets

Bridge Street, Where The Tank Stream Debouched into Tidal Waters Of Sydney Cove Became The Main Link between East And West Sydney.

This Rivulet Was Christened the "Tank Stream" in May 1792, After Governor Phillip Had A Tank From Sandstone Made Which held 8000 Gallons Of Water.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

The New South Wales Lands Department - Bridge Street - Old Sydney Town

The NSW Lands Department - Bridge Street -  Green Plaque - Historical Marker 3

Well This Is Some Pics I Took Of The NSW Lands Department In Bridge Street

Friday, May 22, 2015

Macquarie Place - Sydney - New South Wales

Macquarie Place - Bridge Street - Sydney - NSW

There Was Once A Through Street At Macquarie Place, But This Is Now Given Over To A Public Space Joining A Little Park Packed With Items Of Historical Interest, Including The Obelisk Of Distances, The Anchor Of The Sirius, A Victorian Drinking Fountain And The Remnants Of What Was Once A Glass Domed Entrance To The Underground "Men's Convenience". This Area Is A Popular Drinking Hole At The End Of The Day When The Surrounding Office Blocks Close For Business.

Originally swampy mangrove land

Originally swampy mangrove land on the banks of the Tank stream, this triangular morsel of land is awash with historic relics.
The obelisk records distance in miles by road to important places in the colony 7 beyond.
The sandstone monument was designed by Francis Greenway, who was sent to the colony for forgery & became Sydney's first Colonial Architect.
Along one side of the park with the Canon & the weather anchor of HMAS serious, flagship of the first fleet which arrived in Sydney in 1788.
The imposing statue of the 19 century industrialist Thomas Sutcliffe mort looks over Bridge Street