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Showing posts with label George Street North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Street North. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2015

First General Hospital - George Street North, In Front Of Police Station - The Rocks

There Is A Small Plaque On The Wall Of The Police Station.... Which Reads.....

"The Site Of The First General Hospital In Australia - 1788 - 1816"

"The Marines , Their Wives and Children, Together With All The Convicts Were Landed. The Laboratory And Sick Tents Were Erected, And I Am Sorry To Say, Were Soon Filled with Sick Patients Afflicted With The True Camp Dysentery And The Scurvy"

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Early Naval Office - George St North, Outside Rawson Institute For Men - John Piper

Early Navel Office - George Street North - Outside The Rawson Institute For Men

The Navel Officer Was The Forerunner Of The Collector Of Customs. One Of The Most Well Known People To Have Filled Tbis Position Was Captain Jon Piper. 
Captain John Piper Had Been Described By Some As "The Prince Of Australia

Captain Piper Was Born in 1773 in Ayshire, Scotland. And Arrived At Sydney Cove On The HMAS Pitt in 1792, As en Ensign Of The New South Wales Corps. 

Sydney's First General Hospital - Old George Street North - The Rocks

Sydney's First  General Hospital 
George Street North, In Front Of Police Station

The First Location Of The Canvas Hospital Tents Is Not Known. But By March 1788, The Hospital Buildings 

The precise location of the laboratory and sick Teds First directed is not known but by March 1788 hospital buildings on this site were in use a garden was also established John why was the principal search and apply corrected by the Royal Australian Historical Site Society On The Wall Of The Police stage and station reads The Site The First General Hospital in Australia from 1788 to 1816 Dr John White recorded on 29 January 1788 that the Marines their wives and children together with all the convicts were landed the laboratory and sick tents were erected and I'm sorry to say was soon Philby patients afflicted with the true Camp Justin Shray and The scurvy more pitiable objects were perhaps never seen not it was a comfort or convenience could pick up for them besides the very few we had with us the sick of increased since our landing to such a degree that spot for the General Hospital has been marked out and artifices already employed on at Captain Collins describes the feeding of the sick with Wild celery spinach parsley which the sick and the well enjoyed as a pleasant addition to the Russians of the soul provisions great governor Philip in the Dissen treat the red gum of the tree which abounds on this coast was found to be very a very powerful remedy the Yellow gum has been discovered to possess the Same Property but to an inferior degree the resources of the tiny hospital were taxed to the limit when The Transport surprise arrived from Portsmouth in Sydney Cove on the 26 June 1790 after a journey of 158 days during which 36 convicts died out of 256 who had embarked after the surprise drop anchor she was visited by the Reverend Richard Johnson the chaplain who stated a be held Site truly shocking a great number of convicts laying on deck some half and others nearly naked without bedding unable to help themselves spoke to them as I passed but the smell was so offensive I could scarcely Barrett the landing of these people was truly affecting great numbers were not able to walk nought to move handle Foote such was slung over the side in the same manner as they would sling a cask upon being brought up to the open air some fainted some died upon the deck and others's others died in the boat before reaching the sure some crept up on their hands and knees and some were carried on the backs of others All Where It Filthy state such was Sydney's First hospital In June 1790

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cadman’s Cottage - Circular Quay West - Facing George Street North

Cadman's Cottage
Circular Quay West, Facing George Street North

Cadman’s Cottage Was Built Around 1817 For The Governor’s Coxswain & Boat Crew. John Cadman’s Lived There As Coxswain, Later To Become Superintendant Of Government Boats, From 1817 - 1846
John Cadman’s Cottage, A Two Storey Stone Building Standing In A Tree Shaded Garden, Is A Graceful Reminder Of The Early Days Of Sydney Cove.
Cadman, The Governor’s Coxswain, Said He Was 22 When He Arrived On The Convict Transport “Barwell” Serving A Life Sentance. He Was Convicted At Worcester On 11th March 1797. The Barwell Left Portsmouth With 300 Convicts on 7th November 1797, And All Went Well Until She Was Delayed At Cape Town, Where Ships Officers 

High Tide Used To Come Within 8 Feet Of The Cottage, Until The Filling In Of Circular Quay In The 1870’s.
John Cadman Was 90 When He Retired In 1843, And Refused An Invitation to Stay I’m as “He Didn’t Want To Serve Anymore Governors”