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Showing posts with label Sydney Garden Palace Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sydney Garden Palace Fire. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sydney Garden Palace - Part 1 - Macquarie Street - Sydney - New South Wales

Sydney Garden Palace - Macquarie Street - Sydney - New South Wales 

The Sydney Garden Palace was a grand exhibition building that once stood in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Here's everything you need to know about the Sydney Garden Palace:

1. Construction and Purpose: The Sydney Garden Palace was constructed in 1879-1882 as the centerpiece for the Sydney International Exhibition, showcasing the achievements of industry and culture from around the world. It was designed by architect James Barnet in the Victorian architectural style and built in the Sydney Royal Botanic Garden.

2. Architecture and Features: The Garden Palace was an impressive structure, covering an area of approximately five acres (two hectares) and standing over 210 feet (64 meters) tall. It featured a combination of Romanesque and Byzantine architectural elements, with grand arches, domes, and intricate ornamentation.

3. Exhibition: The Sydney International Exhibition, held from September 1879 to April 1880, was a significant event in Sydney's history. The Garden Palace housed a vast array of exhibits, including industrial products, fine arts, agricultural displays, machinery, and cultural artifacts from various countries. It attracted visitors from Australia and around the world.

4. Destruction: Tragically, on September 22, 1882, just two years after the exhibition, the Garden Palace was destroyed by a massive fire. The fire, believed to have started in the basement, rapidly spread and consumed the entire building. The destruction of the palace was a significant loss to Sydney's architectural heritage.

5. Loss of Archives: The Garden Palace housed important collections and archives, including valuable Aboriginal artifacts, scientific specimens, historical records, and the New South Wales state library. Unfortunately, the fire resulted in the loss of much of this cultural heritage, making it a great tragedy for Australia's history and memory.

6. Legacy: Despite its short existence, the Sydney Garden Palace left a lasting impact on Sydney's cultural and architectural history. Its destruction highlighted the need for fire safety regulations and disaster prevention measures in public buildings. The loss of the archives and artifacts also underscored the importance of preserving and safeguarding historical and cultural treasures.

7. Commemoration: Today, the site where the Garden Palace once stood is marked by a monument known as the Garden Palace Ruins. The monument consists of a series of sandstone steps leading to a bronze plaque, commemorating the site and its historical significance.

The Sydney Garden Palace remains an intriguing part of Sydney's past, evoking the grandeur and cultural significance of the Sydney International Exhibition. While the physical structure is no longer standing, its memory serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and cherishing cultural heritage

There Are Very Few Photos Of The Sydney Garden Palace, Located Within The Royal Botanic Gardens & The Government Domain. Located At The Royal Botanic Gardens. 

The Sydney Garden Palace Was Built To Hold The World Exhibition In September 1878. It Was The Most Magnificent Building In Sydney For The Time, Far Outweighing The Queen Victoria Building

The Palace Was Composed Almost Entirely Of Iron, Glass, With Wood Used Only In The Fittings & Floorboards. 

The Construction Used 

2,300 Cast Iron Girders 

358 Wrought Iron Trusses To Support The Roof

3230 Hollow Cast Iron Columns, Which, As Well As Being The Primary Supporting Infrastructure, Served As Water Pipes To Carry Off Rainwater...
From The 54.7km Of Guttering. 

325 Kilometres Of Sash Bars Supporting Glass Weighing More Than 406 Tonnes

The Final Structure Was 563m Long & 124m Wide With A Central Transept 22m Wide & Rising To 32.9m, 

Specially Designed To Enclose Within The Building A Grove Of Tall Elms That Public Opinion Would Not Allow To Be Cut Down.

The Garden Palace Covered Over 7 Hectares And Covered 934,560 Cubic Metres, While Galleries Added Another 2 Hectares To The Floor Area.

Opening Day Was A Sensation.... 

Visitors Came To The Exhibition In Numbers That First Alarmed, Then Surprised, & Finally Delighted The Organisers....

Other Statistics Add To The Legend Of The Exhibition. It Attracted Far More Than 6 Million Visitors During The 141 Days It Was Open To The Public

The Exhibition Also Achieved Some Other Firsts For Australia.....  Including 

£1769 To The Overall Profit Of £186,000

£2 Million 

It's Hard To Believe When Walking Through The Wrought Iron Gates At The Royal Botanical Gardens, That One Of The Grandest Buildings In Australia Once Stood There. 

& The Following Weeks Exceeded All Expectations. 
Men, Women & Children Came...
They Came Singly....
They Came In Families...
They Came....
In The End in Droves. 
On One Day In October Over 109,915 People Were Admitted Into The Exhibition. .
- Many From Overseas.....
An Incredible Number Considering A Population Much Lower.... & Poorer Than Today
And Limited Transport Options
There Were No International Flights Or Bus Tours 
The First Public Toilets.... Which Brought A Contribution Of  
The Total Value Of The Exhibits Was Estimated At About 
Not Including The Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of Light) Diamond.

Not Surprisingly The Phenominal Success Encouraged International Emulation & The Rest Of The World Quickly Followed Suit.

Built On A Hill Which Was Originally Used As A Run For The Governor's Livestock, The Garden Palace Stood Proudly Along Macquarie Street, Above The City, It Stood As A Symbol Of Sydney & The Colonies Encouraging Growth & Maturity As A Nation. 

The Palace Was Designed By James Barnet For The Sydney International Exhibition Of 1879 - 1880. 
He Had Little Time To Waste & Had Less Than 10 Months To Erect What Was Originally Planned As A Temporary Building. 
Over 3,000 Labourers Were Employed On The Construction Site. Special Carbon Arc Electric Lighting Was Imported From England To Light Up The Site At Night, Allowing Work To Continue Around The Clock. 
The Only Hitch In His Rush Job Was A Strike That Occurred Following The Death Of A Worker. 
Most Of The Carpenters Walked Off The Job Demanding Higher Wages, but Returned A Few Days Later When They Realised The Government Wasn't Going To Give In To Their Demands. 

The Garden Palace Was Completed One Week Before The Exhibition Began. 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sydney Garden Palace Photos

Sydney Garden Palace

If you mention fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Eve, or the 2000 Olympics, most people would agree that Sydney knows how to host a party.  But back in 1879, when it was decided to hold an international exhibition, we were not quite so sure of ourselves.

The fashion for holding exhibitions, where countries could show off their industrial and manufacturing might, as well as their agricultural riches and artistic skills, began in 1851 with the London exhibition.

It was housed in the purpose-built Crystal Palace. Exhibitions followed,  & other  European cities, & in Philadelphia in the United States. Paris was particularly fond of holding them. In Sydney, a place not noted for its advanced industrial sector, and very far away from other places that were, decided to have a go.


A fine set of gates leading into the botanical Gardens on Macquarie Street announces the venue, the garden palace, home of the international exhibition. Beyond the gates, a circular garden bed recalls the former location of the time of the palace building. Everything about this building was flamboyant. Viewed from farm Cove and measured against today’s landmarks, the building stretched from the Conservatorium of music, across to cahill Expressway and in front of the State library.

It’s four towers & spectacular wooden central Dane dominated the skyline, dwarfing all other buildings. 

One of the great attractions of the exhibition was to attend to the North Tower in City‘s first hydraulic lift to enjoy rare elevated views of the harbour.

Part of the gardens & most of the domain became a vast Fairground covered with machinery, halls, an art gallery, temporary buildings for livestock, band stands, stalls & eateries.

Approximately 49 acres & 20 ha of the gardens were handed over for the exhibition, was 600 ha covered in buildings. This was not what was originally intended.


When members of the agricultural society decided to stage ab exhibition in 1877, perhaps as much because Melbourne was organising one as for any other reason, they had no idea what they were letting themselves in for.

The societies exhibition building in Prince Alfred Park was picked to be the venue, and previous annual agricultural exhibitions would be the model. The colonial government agreed to the idea, and provided that no pecuniary liability was to be incurred by them.

But when the proposal was made public, there was far more interested and had been anticipated. The society got cold feet. Clearly their vision has not been large enough, and neither of their funds know their building would be adequate. A rift developed in between those supporting societies real Charter and what was now being branded as a Sydney exhibition. Fearing bankruptcy, they cancelled the whole thing, only to have the governor, so Hercules Robinson, step in and assist that it must go ahead, with a public subscription to fund it. The money did not pouring in the colonial government voted against the Subcity.

But were going out, and exhibitors were planning to come. According to the Sydney morning Herald,

The world was forced upon us and unexpected expansion.

We objected to this thing initially, but he’s gone too far.

We must take a favouring tied on the flow citation one

Building the palace

When our whole year has been lost in squabbling and the exhibition was due to open in August. The contract thought December might be possible. The government settled for September. Building begin before plans have been finalised, and the colonial architect, James Barnett, modified his drawings on the run, as the contract are, John Young, discovered what building materials would be available, and when.

No tenders were that, proper processes were ignored and as confirmation of entries came in from around the world, more more buildings were hastily added to the complex.

At the time of the building, there was a high unemployment rate in Sydney. As soon as approval for the building was given, men began together around the domain gates in the hope. i’ll finding work. There was no need to advertise for workers, although sometimes there were 2000 on site. They were employed around the clock, using electric light for the work for the first time in Sydney. New like you

In the early stages, the lightning the lighting flickered and cast shadows, and was widely considered unsafe. The unions protested at the long shift and dangerous work, but when the Carpenters struck for what amounted to danger money they were unsuccessful, with the Herald cheerfully reporting that;

The firm and commendable action of the government has completely disheartened the men, and crushed the spirit of rebellion in them

At least one man was killed on site and others were injured.

As preparations progressed, the newspapers were full of doubts. Where would the visitors stay? What is the cities water supply gave out, as it sometimes did?

What would they think of a crooked streets and I badly repaired Street pavements?

We didn’t even have a completed Townhall, what on earth did we think we were doing?

How would people get to the site?

The last problem was sold by five sold by fast tracking the installation of a line for a steam tram, another first for Sydney. Built in 16 weeks, it ran from Redfern terminus, along Elizabeth Street to Hunter Street. This expedient piece of urban infrastructure turned out to be one of the main attractions of the exhibition, with 1 million passengers riding the tram by the time the exhibition closed. It’s construction has been approved only on the basis that it was removed after the show was over, but Sydneysiders to Took it with enthusiasm, and it became the first permanent line of Sydneys ad hoc tram system.

But the two biggest worries were what if the buildings were not completed on time? And what if it rained? They weren’t, and it did.

The official opening had to be postponed, and despite the best efforts of Charleze more, the director of the gardens, the plantings drowned at the gardens of the garden palace were more correctly described as bugs in the opening weeks of the exhibition.

The exhibition

But everything everything eventually came together. There was ongoing criticism of exhibits not in place on time, of the entrance fee, of the quality of the food and salon. Yet Sydneysiders enjoyed the holiday atmosphere. And the many supporting musical events, and overall they were mightily impressed with the building. Of the grand opening, in the rain, one commentator said;-

Cigno yours they arrange the music, and able assisted by chorus of 700 voices, 50 instrumentalists and the ground organ, he succeeded in conducting the entire ceremony to a brilliant and most enjoyable conclusion to the platitudes of the assembled thousands.

Much of the ambivalence over the wisdom of staging the exhibition arose from the realisation that manufacturing industry was not really a local strength. The London Times understood this to, reporting that;-

The eyes of the. World sent it for once in Australia, and it sing a lively competition between American, European and British manufacturers.

Although they were fine local exhibits, it was clear to many that the local role was primarily to foot the bill.

There were 724 classes of goods and produce an exhibition, from huge pieces of machinery to find porcelain. When the idea of holding an exhibition was first proposed, one member of Parliament who complained that exhibitors would use it to voiced on Sydney the Richard rubbish they could not dispose of at Paris, but in the event there was a lot of interest in the new and exciting things on show.

Today one of the most valuable pieces in the Sydney town hall collection is a Severus vase, one of a pair that was exhibited in the French court at the exhibition. It was subsequently presented as a gift to the citizens of Sydney by the French Republic.

Because of the long distances involved, some of the exhibits had to be in the form of models, rather than the genuine article. Was it perhaps room for a little poetic license in the models of German turnips and beats sent by some London seat merchants in order to show the great size of the produce growing under their stock?

Poetry was the order of the day, and from the official Cantata written by Henry Kendall to the ravings of the more aesthetic scribblers to the daily newspapers, everyone expanded on the garden motive for all it was worth. There may have been a cultural cringe over how Sydney is a city would stand up to the worlds guys. But as a civilisation, there was no doubt to the British way of life that Sydney symbolised was making a fine contribution in the southern land, the wilderness a garden made that this garden was British, to Riverton if and useful to easily with most participants and the fact that they were astrological displays about the Australian aborigines, creating the illusion that they were not present, did not seem out of place – although any visitor to the exhibition had only to walk down McQuarrie Street beyond the palace to meet some of them.

The fire

When one in Susies pen the hope that the exhibition would lead to a universal brotherhood, to universal,’s,’s to better times, and better men, and things were going further than most, but if you want dissipated at the end would be quite as inflating deflating as it was.

At dawn on 22 September 1882, the garden palace spectacularly burnt down, with reports of black and die in peace is landing as far as Waze Rushcutters bay.

But this time the building was being used for occasional events and as an office space for the various government departments. Records including those of land occupations, the 1881 Sensis details, and railway surveys, all went up in flames. So did the 300 uninsured canvases from the art society‘s annual exhibition, the grand organ and the foundation collection of the technological and mining Museum.

No one was have a charged, although arson was generally suspected. Mini more and the lost of the building, and a fresh outpouring of eulogistic poems appeared in the press, along with a new round of self-criticism over the waist of it all. And more than a few people expressed some satisfaction that at least the people of Sydney now had the botanical Gardens back.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Sydney Garden Palace after The Fire

The Most Significant & Magnificent Building Ever In Australia. Then And There Is Nothing Now That Could Conpete With The Magnificent Roman 

The Sydney Garden Palace Gates were part of the entrance to the Sydney Garden Palace, a magnificent structure that once stood in the Royal Botanic Garden of Sydney, Australia. The gates are a remnant of the Garden Palace, which was a grand exhibition building that showcased the technological and cultural achievements of the late 19th century. Here's more information about the Sydney Garden Palace Gates:

The Garden Palace:

  • The Sydney Garden Palace was a vast exhibition building constructed for the Sydney International Exhibition of 1879. The building was designed by colonial architect James Barnet and was situated within the Royal Botanic Garden.
  • The Garden Palace was an impressive structure made of glass and iron, and it covered an enormous area. It housed a wide variety of exhibits, including displays of art, industry, science, and technology.

Gates and Entrance:

  • The entrance to the Sydney Garden Palace was marked by grand gates that led visitors into the exhibition building.
  • These gates were an integral part of the overall design, serving as an introduction to the opulent architecture and cultural treasures within the Garden Palace.

Destruction and Legacy:

  • Tragically, the Sydney Garden Palace was destroyed by a fire on September 22, 1882, just a few years after the exhibition. The fire was a devastating loss, as the Garden Palace housed numerous irreplaceable artifacts and exhibits.
  • The only remaining physical remnant of the Garden Palace is the sandstone and iron gates that once welcomed visitors into the grand exhibition building.

Current Location:

  • The surviving gates were removed from their original location at the site of the Garden Palace's entrance and repositioned elsewhere in the Royal Botanic Garden.
  • The gates serve as a historical artifact and a reminder of the grandeur that once existed on the grounds. They are an enduring link to a significant event in Sydney's history.

Cultural Significance:

  • The Sydney Garden Palace and its gates hold cultural and historical importance, representing a brief yet impactful moment in Sydney's past.
  • The gates symbolize the aspirations, achievements, and ultimately the loss associated with the Garden Palace and the exhibition it hosted.

Heritage Preservation:

  • The surviving gates are carefully preserved to ensure their historical significance is not lost. They serve as a tangible connection to an event that showcased the global ambitions of a growing colonial city.

The Sydney Garden Palace Gates stand as a poignant reminder of an ambitious project that sought to celebrate progress and innovation. While the grand exhibition building itself was lost to fire, these gates endure as a lasting testament to the cultural, technological, and architectural aspirations of 19th-century Sydney.