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Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

History Of Dubbo - New South Wales

The History Of Dubbo  - New South Wales 


Dubbo - New South Wales 

Dubbo is a city located in the Orana region of New South Wales, Australia. Here's an overview of the history of Dubbo:

1. Indigenous History: The Dubbo region has a long history of human occupation by the Wiradjuri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land. They have lived in the area for thousands of years and have a rich cultural heritage.

2. European Settlement: European exploration of the Dubbo area began in the early 19th century. In 1818, John Oxley, an explorer and surveyor, visited the area and named the river nearby the Macquarie River after Governor Lachlan Macquarie. It was Macquarie who later established a town on the site.

3. Establishment of Dubbo: The town of Dubbo was established in 1849 when the New South Wales Surveyor-General, Sir Thomas Mitchell, selected the site for a township on the banks of the Macquarie River. The town was named after a village in Ireland.

4. Growth and Development: Dubbo grew steadily, benefiting from its strategic location as a crossing point on the Macquarie River and along major stock routes. It served as an important center for pastoralists, gold miners, and those seeking new opportunities in the expanding western regions of New South Wales.

5. Infrastructure and Services: Over time, Dubbo developed essential infrastructure and services. In 1871, the railway line reached the town, connecting it to Sydney and facilitating transportation of goods and people. The town also established educational institutions, hospitals, and other amenities.

6. Economic Activities: The local economy of Dubbo has been predominantly based on agriculture, particularly sheep and cattle farming. The region is known for its agricultural productivity, including wheat, wool, cotton, and other crops.

7. Cultural Heritage: The Wiradjuri people have a significant presence in Dubbo, and their cultural heritage is celebrated and respected. Dubbo is also home to the Dubbo Observatory, which offers stargazing opportunities and promotes astronomy education.

8. Tourism: Dubbo has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors with its attractions such as the Taronga Western Plains Zoo, the Old Dubbo Gaol (a former prison turned museum), and various outdoor recreational activities.

Today, Dubbo is a thriving regional center, serving as a hub for commerce, education, health services, and tourism. It continues to grow and evolve while preserving its historical and cultural significance.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Australia Day 2021


Australia Day  - 2021 

Monday 18th Jan 2021 

It was 233 Years Today When Arthur Phillip & The First Fleet Finally Sailed Into Botany Bay, So Named After The Discoveries Of Flora & Fauna Sir Joseph Banks Had Discovered On The 1770 Voyage Of Captain Cook On The HMAS Endeavour After Recording The Eclipse Of Saturn In Tahiti. 
By All Records And Accounts Botany Bay Was The New “Eden” As Sir Joseph Banks Had Been Portraying For The 20 Odd Years To The Royal Society In London, As Well As Being In The Ear Of King George III. 
But As Captain Arthur Phillip Sailed In On The HMAS Sirius, The Lead Ship Of The Fleet, What He Found Was Vastly Different To What Had Been Described After The Perilous 8 Month Journey From Portsmouth In May 1787. 
Botany Bay Itself Turned Out To Be Too Shallow For a The Ships To Even Be Able To Come Close To Shore... The Wind That Had Got Them Into The Bay Itself Suddenly Died, And The Fleet Of Ships Were Left Unable To Sail Out Again Until A Southerly Or Coastal Wind Picked Up Again. 
When Arthur Phillip Sailed Ashore, He Found that The Land Was Very Sandy & Swampy All Around, As Well As The Fact There Didn’t Seem To Be Any Fresh Water Supply To Refill. 
He Also Noticed That There Ant Mounds Everywhere & These Black Ants That Had A Sharp Bite Attacked Him, And His Marines Once They Were Ashore.
He Had Been Promised By Sir Joseph Banks And The Royal Society Back In London That There Would Be Plenty Of Wild Game. 
Sir Joseph Banks Had Been Successful Bringing Back Kangaroos 🦘 For The Pleasure Of King George II
 There Was Also Very Little Wildlife So He Questioned If There Would Even Be Enough Food To Feed a The 1700 convicts And 


Friday, July 1, 2016


The Love Of Field & Coppice, 
Of Green Shaded Lanes 
Of Ordered Woods And Gardens
Is Running Through Your Veins 
Strong Love Of Blue Grey Distance
Brown Streams & Soft Dim Skies
I Know But Cannot Share It
My Love's Otherwise 

I Love A Sunburnt Country
A Land Of Sweeping Plains
Of Ragged Mountain Ranges 
Of Droughts And Flooding Rains
I Love Her Far Horizons
I Love The Jewel Sea
Her Beauty And Her Terror