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Showing posts with label Royal Commission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal Commission. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2015

King George III - Royal Commission - Arthur Phillip - Governor In Chief - February 7th 1788

Arthur Phillip’s Instructions From King George III

George III
By The Grace Of God. 
King Of Great Britain, 
France & Ireland....

Defender Of The Faith; 
To Our Trusty & Well Beloved Arthur Phillip Esq
We Reposing ESpecial Trust 
& Confidence In The Prudence, Courage & Loyalty Of You, 
The Said Arthur Phillip, Of Our Special Grace,
Have Thought Fit To Constitute & Appoint You 
To Be Our Captain General & Governor In Chief,
In & Over Our Territory Called New South Wales.

Extending From The Northern Cape Or Extremity Of The Coast Called Cape York, in Latitude 10 Degrees 37 Minutes, 

To The Southern Extremity, in Latitude 43 Degrees  39 Minutes South.
 & All The Country Westward, 
To the 135th Degree Of East Longitude, Including All The Islands, 
Adjacent In The Pacific Ocean, Within The Latitude Name.

Our Will & Pleasure Is That You Take The Oath 
For The Due Execution Of The Office Of Trust Of Our Captain General & Governor In chief For The Due & Impartial Administration, Of Justice 
& We Do Hereby, Authorise & Empower You To Keep & Use The Public Seal, 
For Sealing All Things Whatsoever, That Shall Pass The Great Seal Of Our Said Territory & It's Dependancies.
We Further Give & Grant Unto You, Full Power & Authority,
 To Administer & Give  Oaths,
To Every Such Person Or Persons As You Shall See Fit, 
To Constitute & Appoint Justices Of The Peace,
 Coroners, Constables, & Such Other Necessary Officers
 For The Better Administration Of Justice. 
To Pardon Offences, 
Remit Fines & Forfeitures, 
To Levy, Arm, Muster, 
Command & Employ All Persons Whatsoever
 Residing Within The Said Territory & It's Dependancies,
 For The Resisting Of All Enemies, 
Pirates & Rebels, 
Both At Sea & Land.
To Execute Martial Law, In Time Of Invasion, 
Or At Other Times, When By Law, It May Be Executed
To Erect, Raise & Build So Many Forts Platforms, Castles & Cities, Burrows, Towns & Fortifications, As You Shall Judge Necessary
To Constitute & Appoint Captains, Leutenants, Masters Of Ships & Other Commanders & Officers, To Punish Convicts & Execute OffendersAt Sea Or During Their Time Of Abode at Ports, Harbours & Bays
We Likewise Give & Grant You Full Power & Authority To Grant Land, To Control Commerce, To Appoint Fair, Marts & Markets.
& We Require & Command All Officers & Members,
 Civil & Military, & All Other Inhabitants,
 To Be Obedient, Aiding & Assisting To You, The Said Arthur Phillip, 
In The Execution Of This  Our Commission, 
& In Case Of Your Death Or Absence, Out Of The Said Territory
To Be Obedient Aiding & Assisting To Such Person  
As Shall Be Appointed By Us To Be Captain Loeutenant Governor or Commander In Chief,
Witnessed Ourselves  At Westminter on The 2nd Day Of April In The 27th Year Of Our Reign, By Writ Of Privy Seal.

& For So Doing,This Shall Be Your Warrant,
Given At Our Court At St James,The 26th Day Of March, 1787
In The 27th Year Of Our Reign
God Save The King