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Showing posts with label Governor King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governor King. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Orphan School - George St - Between Falley & Bridge St, Facing Grosvenor St

The Orphan School

George Street, Between Falley And Bridge Street, Facing Grosvenor Street

The female off at school

The female or from school was set up by Governor King in 1801 two houses just a tutte young girls.

It was officially opened on 17 August 1801, housing 31 girls between the ages of seven and 14. x 1829 there were 152 inmates, including some aboriginal girls

It was the first school to be established uaing public funds, and furthermore as a residential school to provide or care for orpahn destitute, neglected and abandoned girls. Theree are no admission registers, school rolls or requests for admission for this period of the Orphan School. 

When a new building was completed near the existing residence, there was room for more girls and on 31st December 1801 49 girls had been received into the Institution.

By 24th Msrch 1803 there were 54 girls. 

By 1806 - 6 Orphanss have been married, and portioned with 10 Pound each; and 11 have been bound Apprentices to Officers Wives. The reference to the 11 gurs who had been apprenticed indictaes a role which the Female Orphan School was to play in the colony.