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Showing posts with label Governor Lachlan Macquarie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governor Lachlan Macquarie. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Roads Obelisk - Macquarie Place

The Roads Obelisk - Macquarie Place

In September 1816 The Contract Was Signed To Erect A Very Handsome Stone Obelisk In Centre Of Macquarie Place As An Ornament To This Part Of Town & Also For The Purpose Of Measuring The Miles From All The interior Parts Of The Colony..... TO the Cost Of  eighty Five Pounds Sterling.

In Greenways Obelisks We Read

This Obelisk was Erected In Macquarie Place A.D. 1818,
To Record That All The Public Roads
Leading To The Interior of The Colony 
Are Measured From It
L. Macquarie, Esq, Governor 

Then Came Macquarie the visionary, & On 6 October 1810 He Proclaimed a town plan, saying with Macquarie Place

“It being attended to remove all those old buildings & enclosures now on that ground bounded by the government domain on the east, by the judge advocate, secretary, chaplains, & Commissary houses on the south, by the spring of water in stream on the west, and by the south, by the spring water in the stream on the west & by the houses if Mr Lord, Mr Thompson and Mr Reiby on the north, and to throw the same into an open area, the said area has been named  “Macquarie Place” and it is henceforth to be so nominated.