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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Refloating The HMS Endeavour Off A Coral Reef - 1770

Refloating The HMS Endeavour Off A Coral Reef On The Great Barrier Reef 

The First Fleet Women Come ashore - 6th Feb 1788

The first fleet women come ashore 

On Wednesday 6th Feb 1788, The Women Were Brought Ashore From Their Transport Ships.....

"At 5 O'clock In The Morning, All Things Were Got In Order For Landing The Whole Of The Women, And 3 Of The Ships Longboats Came Alongsude Us To Receive Them; Prevoous To Their Quitting
The Ship, A Strict Search Was Made To Try If Any Of The Many Things Which They Had Stolen On Board Could Be Found, But Their Artiface Eluded The Most Strict Search, And At 6 O'clock, We Had The Long Wished Pleasure Of Seeing The Last Of Them Leave The Ship. they Were Dressed In General Very Clean, & Some Few Amongst Them Might Be Said To Be Well Dressed. The Men Convicts Got To Them Very Soon After They Landed, & It Is Beyond My Abilities To Give A Just Description If The Scene Of Debauchery

Some of the First Fleet journals and letters do not even mention this little ceremony, there were only a few officers and men involved. There appear to have been no convicts on shore for this ceremony, or if they were, they didn’t rate a mention. A number of the officers were also not present nor mentioned it in their journals. Those who were not on shore or who did not mention this incident include: Worgan, White, Tench, Collins, Blackburn, Bradley and Clarke.
This could indicate, to the participants, this was nothing more than a thanksgiving for their safe arrival. None of the reporters give the incident much importance, unlike the reading of Phillip's Commission on 7 February 1788. Some of the male able-bodied convicts were disembarked the next day, 27 January, and the remainder over the next few days. None of the female convicts were allowed off the ships until 6 February 1788, when the sick were also landed and admitted to the tent hospital.
Therefore, in reality, on 26 January 1788 the only event was the anchoring of the ships of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove, the running up of a flag and a toast to the King and success of the colony.
The official ceremony occurred on the 7 February 1788.
"The 7th of February, 1788, was the memorable day which
established a regular form of Government on the coast of New South
Wales. On a space previously cleared, the whole colony was
assembled; the military drawn up, and under arms; the convicts
stationed apart; and near the person of the Governor, those who
were to hold the principal offices under him. The Royal Commission
was then read by Mr. D. Collins, the Judge Advocate. By this
instrument Arthur Phillip was constituted and appointed Captain
General and Governor in Chief in and over the territory, called

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bradfield - The Harbour Bridge - The Trains - Water - irrigating The Continant


The Harbour bridge

the Sydney Train System

Sydney has A Number Of Little Known railway Tunnels. The Oldest one Was built Under george Street in 1855 From The Sydney Railway Yard to Darling Harbour. A Gap At Broadway Let the Smoke From The Steam Trains Escape. The Tunnel Is Still in Use ((Not Sure What It is in Use For ))

Another Old Tunnel runs underneath Jubilee park At Glebve. It Forms Part Of The Metropolitan goods line Which Runs From Darling Harbour to Cantebury. The Line Was Started in 1855 & Finished In 1917. The Line Is Only Used For Goods And As No Passengers Travel on It, Few People outside The Railways Knows Of Its Existence.

However the Line Was Known To Thousands of American Troops Whio Labnded At Rozelle Bay Firing The Scond Woprld War,. A Monument In the Rozelle Mar5shalling Yards In A Reminder Of Those Days

A Number Of Unused Tunnels Were Built in The 1920's As Part Of the Dr J. j. c. Bradfield Scheme For Sydneys Transport. They Include tunnels Near Wynyard Station Which WEere Used For Many Years By Trams. They Are now Used As A Carpark Under the Menzies hotel .

Short tunnels Constructed in the 1920's Around Town Hall Were Built In Case trhe Railways System Was Extended At Some Point in The Future`




The Queen Victoria Building - A Sketch Portrait - Allan Gamble.
First Published 1988
ISBN 0 947131 12 4

The Copming Of The British To Australia - 1788 - 1829-  By Ida Lee ( Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott)
First Published 1906

Last Stop To Nowhere - the Australian history You Never Learnt At School

Batavia's Graveyard - Mike Dash - Published 14 Feb 2002
ISBN - 0-575-07024-2

Arthur Phillips Commission - Opened At Circular Quay 6th Feb 1788 - Instructions And Setup of A British Colony Making Arthur Phillip Commander In Chief

Governor Phillips instruction - From the british Parkliament - 25th April 1787

Captain Cooks Secret instructions Frmo King George III 1770

Queen Victoria's instructions to governor General - 29th October 1900

Order In Council  Ending Convict Transportation - 22nd May 1840

New South Wales Courts Sct - 1787 - Enabling Judiciary

University Of Sydney Act 1850

An Act For The Better Government Of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies - 16th July 1855

Sydney in 1848 - by Joseph Fowles  - Illustreated By copper Plate Engravings - Principal Streets, public buildings, Churches, Chapels

History of New South Wales From The Records - VOLUME 1 - Governor Phillip - 1783 - 1789

Manly - First Fleet Records - 1788 - 1790

Hstorical contect Of The Conservation Of The The Conservatorium of Music Site Which Was the Governemtn Horse Stables

The Founding Of Australia - First Fleet  & convict Notes

Serenade To Sydney

This Fabulous Century

Rum, Rebels And Ratbags

the Dirt On the Rocks -
- the Rocks Pol\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

The Sydney Train SWystem - As Designed by Bradfield

The Bradfield Scheme - Watering Inland Australia

Nationasl Trust Register Listing Report - Circular Quay Railway Station -

National trust Register - The Conservatorium Of Music

Queen Victoria - Diamond Jubilee - 1898

Find Out Some Of The Celebreations in Sydney For Queens Bivtorias Diamond Jubilee

Queen Victoria - Golden Jubilee - 1887 -

Find Out Some Of he Celebrations That Happened In Sydney Foer The Golden Jubilee


Description Of Sydney New South Wales

Sydney, The Capital Of New South Wales & The Metropolis Of Australiasia, Is Siutated On The Suthern Shore Of Port Jackson, At A Distance Of 7 Miles From The Pacific Ocean,

In Latitude 33 Degres 55 Minutes South

And Longtitude 151 Degrees 25 Minutes East

It Is Built At The Head Of The Far Farmed "Cove",  & With Darling Harbour As It's General Boundary To The West, extends In An Unbroken Succession Of Houses For More Than 2 Miles In A Southerly Direction.

As A Maritime City It Is Unrivalled. Possessing At Least 3 Miles Of Water Frontage, At Any Part Of Vessels With The Heaviest Burden Can Safely Approach The Wharves. The Ground Is Mainly Sandstone

Nelson Head Inner Lightouse - Nelson Bay New South Wales

Nelson Head Inner Lighthouse

Begore The First Permanant Inner Light Was Erected In 1872, There Were At Least 11 Shipwrecks Resulting In The Loss Of 37 Lives. The Wrecks Date Back To The "Cumberland:" I  1797.

The Government Gazette Of 1872 Promulgated Tat "From The 1st Apri 1872, A Harbour Light Will Be Exhibited On Nelson Head, Visible To A Distanver Of 8 To 10 Miles In Clear Weather... To Be A Guide To Vessels Coming To Nelson Bay."

The Light Was Mounted At Nelson Head On A Post, And Was The First Recorded Beacon Light In the Bay. It Is Possible That Other Navigational Markers Were Used Before 1872

Chinese Fisherman Were Reported To be Using The Bay As Early As 1800 Or Earlier.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Argyle Cut - Argyle Street-Millers Point


Do you go cut is a striking example of conflict public works. It was a colonial effort to overcome a challenging landscape, providing a more level crossing between the rocks and Millers point.

In 1843, convict labour was deployed to cut the roadway through the rocky peninsula. It was completed in 1959 with the use of explosives and council labour. Bridges over the cup were completed later.

The Uncle cup was also taken in the 1920s with the construction of the approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Argyle Cut is A striking example of convict Public works. It was a Colonial effort to overcome a challenging Landscape, providing a more level crossing between The Rocks & Millers Point,

In 1843, convict labour was deployed to cut the roadway through the rocky peninsula. It was completed in 1859 with the use of explosives

Whenever I Happen To Pass The ARGYLE CUT I Always Think What An Amazing Piece Of Work It Is. Can You Imagine The Hundreds Of Comvicts All Chained Together In Chain Gangs. With Nothing More Than Blunt Picks Hitting The Sandstone. 

Walking Through The Cut You Just Can't Imagine Gravity Of Human Labour to Cut This Straight Out Of The Rock. 

Also Hard To Imagine The Bits Of Broken Sandstone Being Either Carried By Hand Or Using A Wheelbarrow Style Tool... 

Down To The Coastal Estuary Called Circular Quay And Tipped Into The Tidal Flat. The Reclaimed Land Has Added About 50 Metres To The Quay, And the Semi Circular Walls Were Built. 

When You See The Sandstone Sea Wall That Goes Right Around The Working Harbour From Millers Point, Dawes Point To Circular Quay And What Would Have Been Fort Macqaurie. 

"This Square Forms A Part Of An Area Of Old Sydney Called The Rocks, Once Famous As A Residential District And A Notorius Haunt Of Sailors. Argyle Street Was Named By governor Macquarie In 1810 After His Native Country. 

In The Cut Itself - High On The Wall There Is ThisNotice 

" Chas Moore -Mayor- 1867 - 1868
Above This Spot A Bridge Known AsThe  Princes Street Bridge Spanned The Original  Argyle Cut. As A Memorial Of The Bridge, The Above Stone, Which Formed Part Of It, Is Placed Where The Shadow Of The Bridge 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Royal Victoria theatre

Pitt Street- 1848 - Joseph Fowles - Sydney

King Street - Sydney -1848 - Joseph Fowles

George Street - Sydney - 1848 - Joseph Fowles -

George Street & Hunter Street - Sydney - 1848 - Joseph Fowles

George Street & Hunter Street - Sydney - 1848 - Joseph Fowles

Lower George Street - 1848

George Street & Bridge Street - Sydney - Joseph Fowles - 1848

George Street And Charlotte Place - Sydney - 1848 - Joseph Fowles

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Early Settlers To Follow Up

Early sydney settlers first fleet onwards

Governors Of New South Wales 
1788 - 1793- Arthur Phillip
1810 - 1821 - Governor Macquarie

Richard Jones Mansion - Pitt Street south western side near Hunter Street 

- judge Therry's Home 

- Samuel Terry's Home 


- The Brown Bear
- the Cat and Fiddle 
- The Jolly Sailor 
- The Rose Of Australia
- The World Turned Upside Down 
- The Whaler's Arms 
- The Hero Of Waterloo


- Morris Asher - THE RAT PIT - Dog and Rat Fighting. 

- Richard Jones - President Of The Bank Of NSW And Founder of The Bank Of Australia

- Major Robert Ross - lieutenant Governor October 1786
- Captain Tench Of The Marines

- Captain John Hunter 

- Phillip Gidley King 

- Robert Campbell - (Father Of Australian Commerce) - Campbell's Wharf

- Captain John Piper  - "The Prince Of Australa" - John Pipers House At Point Eliza Now called Point Piper

- John Cadman

- Francis Greenway Residence - And A List Of The Buildings The He Designed 

- Joseph Foveaux 

- John Palmer 

- Simeon Lord - former Convict And Later Merchant - Had A Mansio. 

- Mary Haydock 

- Captain Reiby

- Frederick Goulburn - First Colonial Secretary 
- David Collins - Judge Advocate 

- James Underwood and Underwoods Ship Building Yard 

- Isaac Nicholls - Australia's First Postmaster On April 25th 1809

- lieutenant Willam Kent - 1751 - 1812 

- John Dunmore Lang - The Australian College

George Crossley

- John Watts - Architect 

- James Bloodsworth - Emancipated Convict And Master Builder