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Saturday, February 8, 2020



On the 7th of February 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of the colony of New South Wales, issued a set of instructions known as the "Phillip's Instructions." These instructions were a comprehensive set of guidelines and orders that outlined the governance and administration of the newly established British colony in Australia.

The instructions covered a wide range of aspects related to the management of the colony, including:

1. Government Structure: The instructions established a system of governance that vested ultimate authority in Governor Phillip. He was given the power to make laws, appoint officers, and establish courts.

2. Relations with Indigenous People: The instructions emphasized the need for respectful relations with the Indigenous inhabitants of the land. Governor Phillip was instructed to seek a peaceful coexistence with the Aboriginal people, to treat them justly and fairly, and to avoid any acts of hostility.

3. Land Ownership and Settlement: The instructions outlined the process for acquiring and distributing land within the colony. Governor Phillip was instructed to allocate land for the use of the settlers and to ensure that proper records were maintained.

4. Criminal Justice System: The instructions provided guidance on the establishment of a legal system. Governor Phillip was directed to ensure the enforcement of laws, the establishment of courts, and the administration of justice in the colony.

5. Trade and Commerce: The instructions outlined the regulation of trade and commerce within the colony. Governor Phillip was instructed to encourage agriculture, industry, and trade to promote the economic development of the settlement.

6. Morality and Discipline: The instructions stressed the importance of maintaining order and discipline within the colony. Governor Phillip was instructed to enforce morality, prevent vice and immorality, and ensure the proper behavior of the settlers.

Governor Arthur Phillip's instructions played a crucial role in establishing the foundations of governance and administration in the early days of the colony. They provided guidance and authority to the governor and set the tone for the development of the settlement. These instructions formed the basis for the early legal and administrative framework of New South Wales and laid the groundwork for the establishment of subsequent institutions and systems of government.

Arthur Phillip’s Instructions - February 7th 1788

George The third; by the grace of God; king of Great Britain France and Ireland,; defender of the faith

To Our Trusty; & Well Beloved Arthur Phillip Esq. 

We; Eposing Especial Trust And Confidence In The Prudence, Courage & Loyalty Of You;

The Said Arthur Phillip; 

Of Our Special Grace 

Have Thought Fit To Constitute & Appoint You To be Our Governor General And Commander In Chief; 

In And Over; Our Territory Called New South Wales

Extending From The Northern Cape; Called Cape York; In Latitude 10 Degrees 37 Minutes To The Southern Extrmity In Latitude 43 degrees 39 Minutes South; 

And All The Country Westward; To The 135th Degree of East Longtitude; \

Including All The Islands Adjacent In The Pacific Ocean; 

Within The Latitude Name.

Our Will And Pleasure Is That You Take The Oath For the Office And Trust Of Our Governor General And Commander in Chief For The Due And Impartial Administration Of Justice 

& We Do Hereby Authorise & Empower You To Keep And Use The Public Seal; For Sealing All Things Whatsoever, That Shall Pass The Great Seal Of Our Said Territory New South Wales, And Its Dependancies;

We Further Give & Grant Unto You Full Power & Authority To Administer & Give Oaths; To Any Such Person; Or Persons As You Shall See Fit 


To Constitute & Appoint Justices Of The Peace, Coroners, Constables And Other Such Necessary Officers For The Better Admnistration Of Justice

To Pardon Offences; To Remit Fines & Forfeitures;

To Levy; Arm; Muster; Command; & Employ All Persons Whatsoever for The Resisting Of All Enemies; Pirates & Rebels; Both At Sea & Land

To Execute Martial Law In Times Of Invasion; 

& At Other Times; When By Law It May Be Executed. 

To Erect Raise & Build So Many Forts & Platforms, Castles, Cities, Burroughs, Towns & Fortifications As You Shall Judge Necessary 

To Constitute & Appoint Captains; Liuetenants, Master's Of Ships & Other Commanders & Officers; 

To Punish Convicts & Execute Offenders At Sea; Or During Time of Abode At Ports; Harbours And Bays

We Likewise Give & Grant You Full Power to Grant Land, To Control Commerce, & To Appoint Fair Marts & Markets.

& We Require & Command; All Members, Both Civil & Military; & All Other Inhabitants To Be Obedient, Aiding & Assisting To You; The Said Arthur Phillip; And In Case Of Your Death Or Absense Out Of The Said Territory; To be Obedient; Aiding And Assisting To Such Person That Shall Be Appointed By Us To Be Liuetenant Governor Or Commander In Chief.

Witnnessed Ourselves At Westminister On The 2nd Day Of April In The 27th Year Of Our Reign 

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