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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Australians Could Once Stand Proud

The Real Aussie, The Happy Go Lucky, The Attitude And Sense Of Humour. These Were Real Attributes. 

Australians Could Stand Proud

We Were Not A Nation And We Were Not A People That Lived Our Lives To Economic Benefits 

We Were Not A Nation That Did Thjngs Fot Money Or For Any Other Reason Apart From What Was Right. Yes. We Did Things Because It Was The Right Thing To Do.

There Were Many Setbacks, But As Aussies We Overcame Every Hardship, And We Did It With Mateship. 

Mateship And Honour Were The Two Most Important Qualities To Have. Money, Or Economic Benefits Was At The Bottlm Of The List. 

There Are Many Truly Aussie Sayings, Qualities And Attributes 

- "She'll Be Right Mate" 

Those Days Of Fhe Hood Australia Are Long Gone. 

Now - 2 To 3 Generations Later, We Have Become Smug, Stuck Up And Greedy. 

Greed Was Never Something That Would' ve Been Attributed To A Dinky Di Aussie. We Were Not Greedy. We Shared What We Had. We Helped Those In Need, And We Would Be Helped In Times Of Need. 

But Now, In The 21st Century we Don't Even Know Or Care To Remember OurHistorical  Roots. And A Lot Has Been Forgotten, Or Removed From Our History books. 

We Have Never Had To Suffer Anything Like That of Our Forefathers, And Their Forefathers. We've Never Had To Do It Tough..... Or Rough 

We've Never Gone Humgry

We've Never Had To Make Real Sacrifices To Live Here, To Move Here, 

We Have No Appreciation For the
blood Sweat And Tears Of Our Forefathers Building This Nation from The Ground Up

Everything  Was.... or Has Already Been
built, The Train Lines, The Towns, The Local Area, The State And Federal Structure Of Government 

Apart From Commonwealth Constitutional Lawyers, None Of Us,Have  Probably Even Sighted The Australian Constitution, Which Was Carefully Forged Out By Our Forefathers. 

They Were All Either Emancipated Convicts, The Children of Ex convicts, Or Grandchildren....And Then there Was The  Aristocracy.  And A Lot Of Us Would tEven  Know It Now. Our Historical Roots Were Looked At With Shame For A long Time

BUT now, It's Something That Endears Us To The Country Now. Being A Fifth Or Sixth Generation   Australain Means A Lot To Me. I Appreciate That Both My Mother And Father's Families Have Been Here Since Before1850. 

I'm Lucky To Live On The Original Family
Home That 4 Generations Previous To Me Have Lived, Loved And Died in. 

Today, Everyone Just Sees Dollar Signs. They Will Never Have That Feeling Of Knowing That You Will Die At Home, Just Like Your Father Did, Jist Like Your Grandfather Did And Your Great Grandfather Did, 

Money Mwans Nothing. Yes, Someone Can Oay Millions, Demolish My Home And Build Their Apartments And Make Their Money To Fuel Their agreed. 

So I Will Make Sure That The Family Home Is Bequeathed to The Appropriate People. 

So, From The Foundations Our Forefathers Lived and Died For To Make This A Proud Nation. I'm Guessing They Thought We Would Appreciate The Sacrifices They Made, So We Could Have. A Better Life 

But It Is Definately Apparent 

- We Have No Regard For The Blood Sweat And Tears Of Our Forefathers Building This Great Nation 

- Australian History Is No Longer Part Of The School Curriculum, So Children Aren't Taught, Anything Really, Apart From The Bare Basics... With A Left Wing View. 

Manipulating  Children To Take On A. Socialist Viewpoint Is Nothing To Be Proud Of. As Historical fact Is Watered Down With Groundless Rhetoric,Another  Generation Has Lost The Point, And The Connection To Our Past 

Greed Rules Most Australians In This Age Of Entitlement. As We Have Never Gone WITHOUT Anything, Or Suffered Mote Than A Sleepless Night, We Know No Attachment To Our Foundations That Our Forefathers Clung To. 

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