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Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Tragedy of drought


THIS Is The Biggest Story In The  Nation By A Mile. 

The Grapes Of Wrath - A Drought In Oklahoma USA  Left The Farmers Broke And The Banks Closed On So They Could  Sell The Land To Big Corporations

multi Generational Farmers Being Evicted From Their Farms By The Police. The Fear Of Speaking Up. What Have The Bastard Banks Done To Our People. this Is a a Travesry Against Our People.  The ANZ Made 7 Billion. The NAB Is Eight In There In The Trough
When These People Are For WS Off Their Farms There Is Nowhere For Them To Go. There Are No Refugee Aeevices Wating 

There's Basically No Accommodation. They Camp about. Shocked Broken Ans Alone

Not One Farmer Has Asked For Help. Broken & Brutalised. The Banks Make Sure That The Farmer Feels It Is Their Own Fault 

After What I've Seen Happen My Own People 

Free Up The Land For Mining Companies Or Leave It Open for The Chinese To Come In & Buy It Cheap

The Mobilisation Pf Our Military Forces Has Come At A Great Cost To The  Taxpayer 

Financial & Emotional Carnage 

Honourable Farming families Caught In This Situation 

The Australian Media Doesn't Give  A Damn 

And So The Banks Have Been Free to Terrorise These People

Can't Provide The Mortgage Trail Because The Bank Has On sold The Mortgage. 

Australian People Need to Be Informed  & Enraged. This Is about .

All Farmers Rights Have Been Taken Away From The Farmer. The Mining Companies

Right Now, The Banks 

The Australian People Have No Idea What Is Being Done To Them 

There is A Gaping Wound right Across the Heartland Of This Country 

No Australian was Ever Consulted If They Wanted  It Mined  to Oblivion 

No Australian Was ever Consulted About If We Wanted Our Eland Sold On The Cheap 

If We're Ever Going To Do Something.. The Time Is Now 

We Will No Longer tolerate 
We Need A National Morotorium 

The farmers Feel Like They've Been Left And Hung Out To Dry

It's only 4% 

The Prime Minister, Treasurer & the rest Of The Cabinet 

they Must Fully Guarantee 

that Can Pay Its National Debt 

The Free trade Deal With China needs to Go To The Australian People Before It Is Approved 

The Australia. people Have Already Dug In 

People Are Beey 

The Narip la Land Twfiater 

Protected Fr Ownership. Investment Is One Thing but Ownership Is Another 

1 Million Cattle To ago To China. Where Are They Going To Come From??? Where Are These Cattle???  So Where Is The Breeding Stock To Ship Out To China Next Year. Out In The Bushies Have A Term For It - Bullshit - And If You Have to Wrap The Free Trade Agreement With China In Bullshit, More Than Likely The Rest Of It Is on The Nose

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