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Thursday, November 19, 2015

An Account Of An English Colony In New South Wales

QAn Account Of An English Colony In New South Wales - Volume 1 

With Remarka On The Dispositions, Customs, Manners Etc Of The Native Inhabitants Of That Country. 

David Collins (1756 - 1810)

David Collins Sailed Out On The First Fleet With Arrhur Phillip And The Other Ships on the SIRIUS

His Warrant Was To Be Judge Advocate Under The Lieutenant General Or Commander In Chief Arrhur Phillip.  

David Collins Wrote In His Journal - 

"The Spot Chosen, Was At The Head Of The Cove, Near The Run Of Fresh Water, Which Stole Silently Through A Very Thick Wood; The Stillness Of Which Had Then, For The First Time Since Creation, Been Interrupted By The Rude Sound Of The Labourer's Axe... And The Downfall Of Its Ancient Inhabitants. A Stillness And Tranquility Which; From That Day Were To Surrender And Give Way To The Voice Of Labour... And The Confusion Of Camps And Towns..."



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