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Friday, November 20, 2015

Governor Macquarie's Report On What Was Beyond The Mountains

Ever Since The First Fleet Arrived On 1788, No Exploration Party Had Been Able To Make It Through And Over The Blue Mountains. 

25 Years Later In 1813  

Blaxland Wentworth And Lawson Had Finally Made it to the Otherside Of What Ww Now Call Mount Victoria.. 

And from The Top Of The Mountain You Could See The Sweeping Plains 

Bathurst Was The First Inland city To Be Created And 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blaxland's, Wentworth & Crossing The Blue mountains


1 - Blaxland's Story Of The Crossing Of The Blue Mountains 

**** it wasn't until 1813 that Bblaxland Wentworth And Lawson Finally Got Through A Small Passage at The Top Of The Blue Mountains, which Had Been Known And Used By The Local Tribes To Crossover Into Other Tribe Territory. 

**€**. This was the Land Of The WERADJIRI PEOPLE. 

The Eora and Cadigal Tribes Of The Sydney basin Region Had Pretty MuchBeen   destroyed By 1813. 

The Smallpox killed Thousands Of Matives In One Go, And White Men Woth Guns Had Taken Care Of The Rest. 


Australian Discovery By Land


1 - Blaxland's Story Of The Crossing Of The Blue Mountains 

**** it wasn't until 1813 that Bblaxland Wentworth And Lawson Finally Got Through A Small Passage at The Top Of The Blue Mountains, which Had Been Known And Used By The Local Tribes To Crossover Into Other Tribe Territory. 

**€**. This was the Land Of The WERADJIRI PEOPLE. 

The Eora and Cadigal Tribes Of The Sydney basin Region Had Pretty MuchBeen   destroyed By 1813. 

The Smallpox killed Thousands Of Matives In One Go, And White Men Woth Guns Had Taken Care Of The Rest. 


2 - Evan's Journal Of His Journey To TheBathurst  Plains.

3 - Governor Macquarie's Report On The Country Beyond The Mountains 

4 - Evan's Discovery Of The Lachlan 

5 - Oxley's Exploration Of The Lachlan. 

6 - Oxley's Exploration Of The Macquarie 

7 - Evan's Discovery Of The Castlereagh 

8 - Allan Cunningham's Explorations 

9 - Hume And Hovell's Journey To Port Phillip 

10 - Lockyer's Exploration Of The Brisbane River 

11 - Sturts Discovery Of The Darling 

12 - Sturt's Discovery Of The Murray 

13 - Mitchell's Exploration Of Australia Felix 

14 - Sturt's Journey Into Central Australia 

15 - Eyre's Journey From Fowler's Bay To Albany 

16 - The Burke And Wills Expedition 

17 - Stuart's Journey To The Centre Of Australia 

18 - Stuarts Journey Across Australia 

Your Country's Been Sold - Slim Dusty - Smokey Dawson - Australian Song

Your Country's Been Sold - Slim Dusty - Smokey Dawson

You Say You Belong To Australia My Friend
& Rightly You'd Die For This Land To Defend 
But Let Us Be Honest it's Sad But Is True 
Australia My Friend Doesn't Belong To You

Our Country's Been Sold By The Powers That Be 
To Big Wealthy Nations Way Over The Sea
We Couldn't Be Taken With Bayonet Or Lead
So They Decided To Buy Us Instead

And Talking Of Wars  & The Blood That Was Spilt 
The Widows; The Crippled &The Ones That Were Killed 
&I Often Wonder If They're Ghosts Can See 
What's Happening To Their Native  Country 

I wonder If Ghosts Of The Fallen Can See
The Crime; The Corruption & Poverty
With A Lost Generation Of Youth On The Dole 
Adrift on Life Oceans Without Any Goal

I Once Had A a Dream Of Our Country So Grand 
The Rivers Outback  Irrigated The Land
Towns & Canals In That Wasteland Out There 
With Big Inland Cities with Work Everywhere 
with Profit From Factory, Farming & Mine 

Was Used To Develop A Nation So Fine  

Then I Woke From My Dream To Reality 
That The Wealth Of Our Nation Goes Over The Sea 
 You Say You Belong To Australia My Friend
And Rightly You'd Die For This Land To Defend 

But Let Us Be Honest it's Sad But Is True 
Australia My Friend Doesn't Belong To You 

An Account Of An English Colony In New South Wales

QAn Account Of An English Colony In New South Wales - Volume 1 

With Remarka On The Dispositions, Customs, Manners Etc Of The Native Inhabitants Of That Country. 

David Collins (1756 - 1810)

David Collins Sailed Out On The First Fleet With Arrhur Phillip And The Other Ships on the SIRIUS

His Warrant Was To Be Judge Advocate Under The Lieutenant General Or Commander In Chief Arrhur Phillip.  

David Collins Wrote In His Journal - 

"The Spot Chosen, Was At The Head Of The Cove, Near The Run Of Fresh Water, Which Stole Silently Through A Very Thick Wood; The Stillness Of Which Had Then, For The First Time Since Creation, Been Interrupted By The Rude Sound Of The Labourer's Axe... And The Downfall Of Its Ancient Inhabitants. A Stillness And Tranquility Which; From That Day Were To Surrender And Give Way To The Voice Of Labour... And The Confusion Of Camps And Towns..."