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Monday, November 27, 2023

Pfalerts Hotel - Corner Wynyard Square & Margaret Street - Sydney


Pfahlerts Hotel - Corner Wynyard Square & Margaret Street - Sydney 

Pfalert's Hotel Is Situated on the Corner of Wynyard Square & Margaret Street, From the front a beautiful view may be had over the well kept lawn with its border of shrubs and flowering plants - which constitutes the chief ornamental square of the city; from the balcony, too, glimpses  may be had, across Darling Harbour, of Pyrmont and the rising country beyond. The chief entrance to the hotel is from Wynyard Square but there’s also entrances from Margaret Street & from Wynyard Street, & a second entrance from the new Bar in the Square. 

On the ground floor are situated the Gentleman’s Coffee Room, with lounges, writing tables, & the leading newspaper of the day; a handsome & capacious apartment, just added, is available as a Ladies Coffee Room. The Counting house and Proprietors private suite of rooms are also here, & at the extreme end of the corridor is the large & well lighted public Dining Hall. 

On the Basement floor, formed by the receding land in Margaret Street, are situated the Lower Bar - a cool, fresh looking, well appointed room - and the Billiard Room, furnished with one of Alcock best productions; further up Wynyard Street are the well stocked cellars and the third floor. 

The first floor is devoted largely to private suites of Apartments, of which the establishment has seven all fitted up regardless of expense, a good piano forming an item in the furnishings of each sitting room. 

The second tier is devoted principally to bed rooms, of which the establishment has forty, all of which have been completely renovated and refurbished. 

The third floor is devoted to sleeping accommodations to the servants and others engaged in the hotel. 

Each tier is fitted with a bathroom, Lavatories, closets, and every convenience which travel and a large experience in catering to the wants of the traveling public can suggest

The hotel is very conveniently situated within easy walking distance of the Botanical Gardens and Domains, of the ferries, and within a hundred yards or so of the termini of the chief lines of omnibuses. 

Pfalert’s Hotel has been honored on many occasions in being selected as the resting place of the Governors of the Neighboring Colonies, and of members of the English Aristocracy paying a visit to Sydney. 

Altogether, Sydney has cause to congratulate that in Pflaert’s Hotel it has the nearest approach to the European model of what should constitute a modern establishment of the kind.