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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Proclamation - Sir Richard Bourke - Governor Of New South Wales - Terra Nullius 1835


 By His  Excellency Major-General Sir Richard Bourke, K.C.B. Commanding His Majesties Forces, Captain General And Governor In Chief Of The Territory Of  New South Wales And Its Dependancies,  And Vice Admiral Of  The Same &c &c

Whereas, It Has Been Represented To Me, That Divers Of  His Majesty’s Subjects HaveTaken Poessession Of Vacant Lands Of The Crown, Within The Limits Of This Colony, Under The Pretence Of A Treaty Bargain, Or Contract, For The Purchase Thereof, With The Aboriginal Natives; Therefore, I, The Governor, In Virtue And In Excercise Of The Power And Authority In Me
Vested, Do Hereby Proclaim And Notify To All His Majesty’s Subjects, And Others Whom It May Concern, That Every Such Treaty, Bargain, And Contract With The Aboriginal Natives, As Aforesaid, For The Possession, Title, Claim To Any Lands Lying And Being Within The Limits Of The Government Of The Colony Of New South Wales. As The Same Are Laid Down And Degined By His Majesty’s Commission; That Is To Say, Extending From The Northern Cape Or Extremity Of The Coast Called Cape York, In The Latitude Of Ten Degrees Thirty Seven Minutes South, To The Southern Extremity Of The Said Territory Of New South Wales, Or Wilson’s Promontory, In The Latitude Of Thirty Nine Degrees Twelve Minutes South, And Embracing  All The Country Inland To The Westward, As Far As The One Hundred And Twenty Ninth Degree Of East Longtitude, Reckoning From The Meridian Of Greenwich , Including All The Islands Adjacent, In The Pacific Ocean Within The Latitude Aforesaid, And Including Also Norfolk Island, Is Void, And Of No Effect

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The First Fleet Piano - The First Piano Brought To Australia

The First Piano To Come To Australia Was Brought Pn Ten First Fleet In 1788, On The HMAS Sirius, By The Ships Surgeon - Thomas Wargan 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Birth Of Captain Cook

Born on this day 

Wednesday, October 27, 1728. :   Captain James Cook, who charted Australia's eastern coastline, is born. 

     James Cook was born at Marton in North Yorkshire, on 27 October 1728. He was the son of a farm labourer, and held no great ambitions, being apprenticed in a grocer/haberdashery when he was 16. Lack of aptitude in the trade led his employer to introduce Cook to local shipowners, who took him on as a merchant navy apprentice. Here he was educated in algebra, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy, which later set Cook up to command his own ship.

After working his way up to positions of greater responsibility and experience, Cook was hired in 1766 by the Royal Society to travel to the Pacific Ocean to observe and record the transit of Venus across the Sun. Following this, Cook's next orders were to search the south Pacific for Terra Australis Incognita, the great southern continent that many believed must extend around the southern pole. He came across New Zealand, which Abel Tasman had discovered in 1642, and spent some months there, charting the coastline. Nearly a year later, Cook set sail west for New Holland, which was later to become Australia