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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Early Settlers To Follow Up

Early sydney settlers first fleet onwards

Governors Of New South Wales 
1788 - 1793- Arthur Phillip
1810 - 1821 - Governor Macquarie

Richard Jones Mansion - Pitt Street south western side near Hunter Street 

- judge Therry's Home 

- Samuel Terry's Home 


- The Brown Bear
- the Cat and Fiddle 
- The Jolly Sailor 
- The Rose Of Australia
- The World Turned Upside Down 
- The Whaler's Arms 
- The Hero Of Waterloo


- Morris Asher - THE RAT PIT - Dog and Rat Fighting. 

- Richard Jones - President Of The Bank Of NSW And Founder of The Bank Of Australia

- Major Robert Ross - lieutenant Governor October 1786
- Captain Tench Of The Marines

- Captain John Hunter 

- Phillip Gidley King 

- Robert Campbell - (Father Of Australian Commerce) - Campbell's Wharf

- Captain John Piper  - "The Prince Of Australa" - John Pipers House At Point Eliza Now called Point Piper

- John Cadman

- Francis Greenway Residence - And A List Of The Buildings The He Designed 

- Joseph Foveaux 

- John Palmer 

- Simeon Lord - former Convict And Later Merchant - Had A Mansio. 

- Mary Haydock 

- Captain Reiby

- Frederick Goulburn - First Colonial Secretary 
- David Collins - Judge Advocate 

- James Underwood and Underwoods Ship Building Yard 

- Isaac Nicholls - Australia's First Postmaster On April 25th 1809

- lieutenant Willam Kent - 1751 - 1812 

- John Dunmore Lang - The Australian College

George Crossley

- John Watts - Architect 

- James Bloodsworth - Emancipated Convict And Master Builder 

The Proclamation Of A Colony - 7th February 1788

The Procalmation Of A Colony - 7th February 1788 - Arthur Phillips Insrtructions - 

“The 7th February 1788 was a memorable day which established a regular form of Government for the coast of New South Wales. For obvious reasons, all possible solemnity was given to the proceedings necessary on the occasion. On a space previously cleared… The whole colony numbering 1030, was assembled. 
The military drawn up, & under arms, the convicts stationed apart….The convicts seated in a half circle, the Maribnes paraded in front of them, and the officers grouped in the centre.

& near the person of the Governor, those who were to hold the principal office under him. 

The Royal Commission from George III was then read by David Collins, the Judge Advocate, & then he read the Commision of the other Officers, also the Act establishing the colony, and other formal documents.

By this instrument Arthur Phillip was constituted & appointed

Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief, in & over the territory called New South Wales 

The Marines fired 3 Volleys, & the first Governor of New South Wales, after thanking his officers and soldiers for their behaviour so far, addressed the convicts, promising rewards to those who conducted themselves well;unsparing severity to offenders. 

& the Colony of New South Wales was Consumated. The residence of the Governor, what he quaintly called his "Canvas House", & the tents of the officers were pitched on the east side of the little creek, with the flagstaff reared in front of them, and closeby were planted the various fruit trees procured from Rio De Janeiro & The Cape Of Good Hope. 

It’s such a shame that we, as 6th, 7th & 8th generation Australians don’t appreciate the struggles, trials & tribulations our forefathers went through & sacrificed way before World War 1. It’s now not in living memory 

What sort of Australia are we creating in the 21st Century? 

Australians used to be well respected & had resilience that was related to them. The Constitution in 1901 brought all the Colonies together under a Commonwealth. But over time the party system and the Constitution & other related documents have changed. 

A generation of New Puritans has arisen through the wealth of this country, which will ultimately be our undoing. Freedom doesn't come for nothing. We know nothing of the things our forebears fought 

George III, 

By the Grace of God, 

King of Great Britain, France & Ireland, 

Defender of The Faith;

To our Trusty & well beloved Arthur Phillip Esq

We, reposing Special trust & Confidence in the prudence, courage & loyalty of you; 

the said Arthur Phillip, of our Special Grace;

Have thought fit to Constitute & Appoint you 

to be our Governor General  & Governor In Chief,

In, & over our territory called New South Wales,

Extending from the northern cape, 

or extremity of the coast called Cape York, 

in Latitude 10 degrees 37 minutes; 

to the southern extremity 

in Latitude 43 degrees 39 minutes South

& all the country westward, 

to the 135th degree of East Longitude, 

including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean, within the Latitude name. 

Our will and pleasure is that you take the oath

 for the due execution of the Office & Trust 

of our Governor General & Governor In Chief, 

for the due & impartial administration of justice. 

& we do hereby authorize & empower you 

to keep & use the Public Seal, 

for sealing all things whatsoever; 

that shall pass the Great Seal 

of our said Territory & its dependencies. 

We further give & grant unto you 

Full Power & Authority to administer & give Oaths 

To any such person or persons, as you shall see fit.

To Constitute & Appoint Justices Of The Peace, 

Coroners, Constables, & other such necessary officers 

For the better administration of justice. 

To pardon offenses & remit fines & forfeitures. 

To levy, arm, muster & command; 

& employ all persons whatsoever 

Residing within the said Territory And its dependencies;

For the resisting of all enemies

Pirates & Rebels; Both at sea & land. 

To execute Martial Law in time of invasion, 

& at other times when by law, it may be executed. 

To erect, raise & build as many forts & platforms, 

Castles & cities, burrow, towns 

& fortifications as you shall judge necessary.

To Constitute & Appoint Captains, Lieutenants, 

Master Of Ships, & other commanders and officers. 

To Punish convicts, & execute Offenders at sea,

or during their time of  abode at Ports Harbors And Bays

We likewise give & grant you 

full power and authority to grant land & control commerce, to Appoint fair Marts and Markets. 

And we require & command all officers & members, 

civil & military, & all other inhabitants 

to be obedient, aiding & assisting to you, 

the said Arthur Phillip, 

in the execution of this our Commission, 

& in case of your death or absence out of the said Territory, to be obedient, aiding and assisting to such person Appointed by us 

to be Lieutenant Governor or Commander In Chief. 

Witnessed ourselves at Westminster, 

on the 2nd Day Of April 

in the 27th Year of Our Reign, 

By Writ of Privy Seal. 

And for so doing, 

this shall be your Warrant

Given At our Court of St James 

On the 26th Day Of March 1787 

In the 27th Years Our Reign 


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tank Stream Bridge And Head Of Sydney Cove

Bridge Street, Northern Side, Between George And Pitt Steeets

In October 1788, A Timber Bridge Was Built To Span The Tank Stream, Which Was Then The Head Of Sydney Cove. 

When Governor Phillip Inspected Port Jackson In January 1788 He Was Unduced To Start Settlement There Because Of A Rivulet At The Head Of Sydney Cove Where WiLd Celery, Paraley and Aponach Flourished - Healthy Vegetablesn For Scurvy Patients. A Swampy Spring, one Mile Away In Today's Hyde Park, Was The Birthplace Of This Rivulet, Which Fell One Hundred Feet As It Wandered Eastward Over Sandstone Rocks To King Street. Thence Nourished By Two Springs, One At King Street And Another At Spring Street, It Glowed To Bridge Street, The Head Of The  Estuary. 

To Save The Lifestream, Governor Phillip InMarch 1788 Wisely Decreed That "The Run Of Water Which Supplies The SettlementQas Observed To Be Only. A Drain Grom The Swamp. To Protect It From The Sun, The Governor Forbids The Cutting DownOf Any Tree Within Fifty Feet Of The Run, then Which There Has Not Been A Finer Found In Any One Kf The Coves In The Harbour. 

In October 1788 A Timber bridge was built to span the tank stream at this spot, which was then The Head Of Sydney Cove. in 1803 -1804 the structure was replaced by Stonebridge. 

When Governor Philip inspected Port Jackson in January 1788 he was induced to start a settlement there because Of A Rivulet At The Head Of Sydney Cove Where Wild celery parsley & spinach flourished - healthy vegetables for scurvy patients. A Swampy Spring 1 mile away, in the centre of Today's Hyde Park, Was The Birthplace Of This a Rivulet,which fell 100 feet as it wandered Eastward Over sandstone Rocks To King Street.  Then nourished by two springs, one at  King Street and another at Spring Street It Flowed to Bridge Street The Head Of The tidal estuary.

To save the live stream, Governor Philip in March 1788 wisely decreed that 

"the run of water which supplies the settlement was observed to be only a drain from the swamp. To protect it from the sun, the governor forbids the cutting down of any tree within 50 feet of the run, than which there has not been a finer found in any one of the coves of the harbour."

in February 1791 surveyor Alt deepened the stream Near Bridge Street and in April 1792 the governor had ditches dug flanking the rivulet. A paling fence was erected to keep out stock and cherish the shrubs growing on its Bank.

The Rivulet was christened the tank stream in May 1792 after his Excellency had convicts Hew a tank from sandstone which held 8000 gallons of water.

Bridge Street where the 10th stream turned into the tidal waters Of Sydney Cove became the main link between East and West Sydney Collins in October 1788 stated that again Of convicts were employed enrolling timber together to form a bridge over the stream at the head of the Cove soon footbridge spans the rushing mortars followed later By Of E he Curcular Bridge alas and overloaded Bullock wagon broke through the decking and put the breach out of action